Shareholder meeting requirements
- The shareholders supervise the management of the company through the general assembly. The general assembly shall be held upon the invitation of the company's chairman and shall be divided into an ordinary general assembly (OGM) and extraordinary general assembly (EGM), each of which shall have its competences
- Each shareholder shall have the right to attend the general assembly whether in person or by proxy by virtue of a written power of attorney or authorization. The shareholder who is not a member of the company's BoD shall not be entitled to appoint a board member to attend the general assembly on their behalf.
- The meeting of the general assembly shall be held at least once every financial year within the 3 months succeeding the end of the financial year of the company. The attendance and voting quorums of the OGM and EGM are determined in the AoA of the company in accordance with the Companies Law.
- The OGM is held to:
- Approve the appointment and removal of the board member(s) Supervise and release the board member(s) from liability Approve the financial statements
- Approve the BoD's report regarding the company's activity Approve the distribution of dividends and
- Decide on the matters proposed by any of the board members, GAFI or shareholders holding 5 percent of the capital of the JSC.
- The EGM is held to:
- Decide on any amendment of the AoA of the company, taking into consideration the restrictions provided under the Companies Law
- Consider the dissolution or continuation of the company in case its losses amounted to half the value of the shareholders' rights according to the recent financial statements and
- Issue preferential shares and increase the capital.
- Similar to a JSC, the quotaholders of an LLC supervise the management of the company through the general assembly (ie, the OGM and EGM, each of which shall have its competences). The general assembly shall be held upon the invitation of quotaholders representing at least 1/4 of the company's capital.
- Each quotaholder shall have the right to attend the general assembly whether in person or by proxy by virtue of a written power of attorney or authorization. Quotaholders shall be entitled to appoint a third party (who is not a manager) to attend the general assembly on their behalf unless otherwise is provided under the AoI of the company.
- The meeting of the general assembly shall be held at least once every year during the 3 months succeeding the end of the financial year of the company. The attendance and voting quorums of the OGM and EGM are determined in the AoI of the company in accordance with the Companies Law.
- The OGM shall be held to:
Supervise and release the manager(s) from liability Approve the financial statements. (Preferred to be held by an EGM.)
- Approve the managers' report on the company's activity Approve the distribution of dividends and
- Decide on the matters proposed by any of the manager(s), GAFI or quotaholders holding 5 percent of the capital of the LLC.
- The EGM shall be held to:
Decide on any amendment of the AoI of the company (eg, approve the appointment and removal of the manager(s)), taking into consideration the restrictions provided under the Companies Law
- Consider the dissolution or continuation of the company in case its losses amounted to half the value of the quotaholders' quotas according to the recent financial statements and
- Increase the capital.
Not applicable, as the founder supervises the management of the company and has all powers of the general assembly. The founder of the company has the authority to decide on all company matters and, in particular, the following:
- Amendment of the AoI of the company
- Liquidation or dissolution of the company
- Increase or decrease the capital of the company, taking into consideration the minimum required capital for the OPC as provided under the Executive Regulations
- Merging of the company and its transformation into another form of company and
- Appointment of 1 or more managers of the company and decide their competencies and authorities.
All actions of the founder shall not be effective before a third party prior to its annotation in the commercial register.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
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