Business expansion
Minimum 3 shareholders with no maximum limit.
No need to change as business expands.
If number of shareholders drops to be fewer than the minimum required number of persons, the entity may convert to an OPC corporation or increase the number of shareholders to no fewer than 3 natural or juridical persons.
Minimum of 2 and maximum of 50 quotaholders.
If number of quotaholders exceeds 50 persons, must convert to a JSC corporation or decrease the number of quotaholders to 50 persons.
If number of quotaholders drops to be fewer than the minimum required number of persons, must convert to an OPC corporation or increase the number of quotaholders to 2 persons.
Used exclusively for a sole proprietor entity. The whole structure of this type of company is based on 1 founder. Therefore, if more than 1 natural or juridical person becomes a founder in an OPC, the entity must convert to an LLC or JSC as applicable.
No need to change as business expands, to the extent that the purpose remains within the scope of activities mentioned in the commercial register.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction, as ROs are prohibited from engaging in commercial activity.