Director / officer requirements
- Minimum of 3 board members appointed by the general assembly for 3 years. As an exception, the term of the first appointed BoD can be 5 years from the date of incorporation.
- Management is typically named by the BoD,
- The BoD usually appoints, among its members, a chairman and vice-chairman to the company. The chairman represents the company before courts.
- The powers and responsibilities of the company's chairman, executive chairman, board members and employees are usually provided under the company's AoA and its internal bylaws.
At least 1 manager is required who is appointed for the first time by the quotaholders.
- The manager(s) shall have the responsibility to represent the company, unless otherwise provided under the company's AoI.
The removal of the manager(s) shall be by virtue an EGM resolution. Such resolution is issued by the numerical majority of 3/4 of the quotas represented at the meeting.
A founder can be a manager or can appoint manager(s).
One or more managers must be appointed to run the business activities in Egypt.
At least 1 manager. A manager does not need to be an Egyptian national.
For more information on directors’ duties, see our Global Guide to Directors’ Duties.
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