Quorum requirements for shareholder and board meetings
In conjunction with the "Shareholders Meeting Requirements" and "Annual Corporate Maintenance Requirements" sections, the required quorum for shareholder, quotaholders or founders and BoD meeting is as follows:
- Ordinary general assembly meeting (OGM):
- Shareholders representing at least 1/4 of the company's capital must attend the OGM. The AoA of the company may stipulate a higher mandatory attendance not exceeding 50 percent of shareholders (ie, the company's capital). If this minimum is not met at a first meeting, the OGM will be called to a second meeting within 30 days after the first meeting.
- The invitation of the first meeting may determine the date of the second meeting (if the required minimum attendance of the shareholders is not met) unless otherwise is provided under the AoA of the company.
- A second meeting will be deemed valid regardless the number of shares represented in the meeting.
- Resolutions of the OGM shall be issued by an absolute majority of the shares represented at the meeting (50 percent plus 1 share of the attending shareholders).
- The OGM must be attended by a minimum of 3 board members.
Extra-ordinary general assembly meeting (EGM):
- The provisions regulating the OGM under the Companies Law apply to the EGM and take into consideration the following:
- The company's BoD may invite the EGM to be held upon the request of the shareholders representing at least 10 percent of the company's capital provided that such shareholders must deposit their shares at the company's headquarter or in any approved bank. The shares should not be withdrawn except after dismissal of the EGM. If the board does not convoke the EGM within 1 month from the date of submitting the request, the applicants may recourse to GAFI which will address the invitation itself.
- Shareholders representing at least half of the company's capital must attend the EGM. If this minimum quorum is not present in a first meeting, then shareholders are invited to a second meeting to be held within 30 days from the date of a first meeting.
- A second meeting will be considered valid if attended by a number of shareholders representing at least 1/4 of the company's capital
- Resolutions of the EGM are issued by a majority of 2/3 of the shares represented in the meeting.
- If the resolution relates to the increase of the authorized capital, the diminution of the capital, the dissolution of the company before its term, changing its purpose or its merging or splitting, the voting majority shall be 3/4 of the shares represented in the meeting.
- The EGM must be attended by a minimum of 3 board members.
- Ordinary general assembly meeting (OGM):
- Quotaholders representing at least half of capital must attend an OGM (unless the AoI of the company stipulates a higher proportion). If this minimum is not met at a first meeting, then an OGM will be called to a second meeting within 30 days after the first meeting.
- A second meeting will be deemed valid regardless of the represented number of shares.
- Resolutions of the OGM shall be issued by an absolute majority of the quotas represented at the meeting (50 percent plus 1 quota of the attending quotaholders).
- The OGM must be attended by at least 1 manager and the auditor.
- Extra-ordinary general assembly meeting (EGM):
- Shareholders representing at least half of capital must attend the EGM. If this minimum quorum is not present in a first meeting, then shareholders are invited to a second meeting to be held within 30 days from the date of a first meeting.
- A second meeting will be considered valid if attended by a number of shareholders representing at least 1/4 of capital. Every shareholder or quotaholder in JSC or LLC is entitled to attend the general assembly, personally or by a written proxy (ie, written power of attorney or authorization).
Every Shareholder in JSC or LLC is entitled to attend the general assembly of shareholders, personally or by written proxy.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
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