Incorporation process

Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
Must apply for registration with the Registry of Commerce and Companies (RCS) with filing of the bylaws. Process can take from 48 hours to 4 weeks (in the event the company's registered office is located in the east of France) following the filing of the required documents with the Registry of Commerce and Companies and depending on the reactivity of the Registry of Commerce and Companies where the document shall be filed. List of documents:
- A copy of the bylaws and list of subscribers
- A copy of the signed lease/sublease/domiciliation agreement
- A copy of the certificate of deposit of funds issued by the bank/notary
- A copy of the acceptance letter of the principal and substitute statutory auditors (if any)
- A copy of the valid passport of the president and of the statement of non-conviction
- In the event the president to be appointed is a legal entity, an original of less than 3 months of the up-to-date company extract issued by the competent Company Register and a copy of the valid passport of the legal representative of the legal entity to be appointed as president
- A copy of the valid passport of the general manager(s) and of the statement of non-conviction, if any
- A copy of the valid passport of the members of the board and of their statement of non-conviction, if any, and
- A copy of the beneficial owner declaration executed by the legal representative of the company. It is reminded that, pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 561-2-2, L. 561-46 à L. 561-50, R. 561-1 à R. 561-3 and R. 561-55 à R. 561-63 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, any French company (having its registered office in a French department) must file a declaration with the clerk's office of the Commercial Court regarding its ultimate beneficial owner (otherwise the legal representative will be liable with a fine of EUR7,500 and imprisonment). In the event the beneficial owner changes, a new declaration must be filed within 30 days of this change.
For the beneficial owner to be disclosed, he or she must be an individual (not a legal entity) who:
- owns, directly or indirectly more than 25 percent of the share capital, or
- owns, directly or indirectly, more than 25 percent of the voting rights, or
- has a power of control over the management of the declaring entity or over the general meetings of its shareholders
In the event it is not possible to determine the identity of the beneficial owner (ie, at the level of the top company, no individual fulfills one of the above criteria), the legal representative(s) of the declaring entity will have to be declared as beneficial owner; in the event the legal representative of the declaring entity is a legal entity, it will be necessary to declare the identity of the individual acting as legal representative of this legal entity.
Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)
Must apply for registration with the Registry of Commerce and Companies (RCS) with filing of the bylaws. Process can take from 48 hours to 4 weeks (in the event the company's registered office is located in the east of France) following the filing of the required documents with the Registry of Commerce and Companies and depending on the reactivity of the Registry of Commerce and Companies where the document shall be filed. List of documents:
- A copy of the bylaws
- A copy of the signed lease/sublease/domiciliation agreement
- A copy of the certificate of deposit of funds issued by the bank/notary
- A copy of the acceptance letter of the principal and substitute statutory auditors (if any)
- A copy of the valid passport of the gérant and of the statement of non-conviction and
- A copy of the beneficial owner declaration executed by the legal representative of the company: it is reminded that pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 561-2-2, L. 561-46 à L. 561-50, R. 561-1 à R. 561-3 and R. 561-55 à R. 561-63 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, any French company (having its registered office in a French department) must file a declaration with the clerk's office of the Commercial Court regarding its ultimate beneficial owner (otherwise the legal representative will be liable with a fine of EUR7,500 and imprisonment). In the event the beneficial owner changes, a new declaration must be filed within 30 days of this change.
For the beneficial owner to be disclosed, he or she must be an individual (not a legal entity) who:
- owns, directly or indirectly more than 25 percent of the share capital, or
- owns, directly or indirectly, more than 25 percent of the voting rights, or
- has a power of control over the management of the declaring entity or over the general meetings of its shareholders
In the event it is not possible to determine the identity of the beneficial owner (ie, at the level of the top company, no individual fulfills one of the above criteria), the legal representative(s) of the declaring entity will have to be declared as beneficial owner; in the event the legal representative of the declaring entity is a legal entity, it will be necessary to declare the identity of the individual acting as legal representative of this legal entity.
Société anonyme (SA)
Must apply for registration with the Registry of Commerce and Companies (RCS) with filing of the bylaws. Process can take from 48 hours to 4 weeks (in the event the company's registered office is located in the east of France) following the filing of the required documents with the Registry of Commerce and Companies and depending on the reactivity of the Registry of Commerce and Companies where the document shall be filed. List of documents:
- A copy of the bylaws and list of subscribers
- A copy of the minutes appointing the chairman of the board and the general manager
- A copy of the signed lease/sublease/domiciliation agreement
- A copy of the certificate of deposit of funds issued by the bank/notary
- A copy of the acceptance letter of the principal and substitute statutory auditors (if any)
- A copy of the valid passport of the directors, chairman of the board and general manager and of their statement of non-conviction and
- A copy of the beneficial owner declaration executed by the legal representative of the company: it is reminded that pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 561-2-2, L. 561-46 à L. 561-50, R. 561-1 à R. 561-3 and R. 561-55 à R. 561-63 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, any French company (having its registered office in a French department) must file a declaration with the clerk's office of the Commercial Court regarding its ultimate beneficial owner (otherwise the legal representative will be liable with a fine of EUR7,500 and imprisonment). In the event the beneficial owner changes, a new declaration must be filed within 30 days of this change.
For the beneficial owner to be disclosed, he or she must be an individual (not a legal entity) who:
- owns, directly or indirectly more than 25 percent of the share capital, or
- owns, directly or indirectly, more than 25 percent of the voting rights, or
- has a power of control over the management of the declaring entity or over the general meetings of its shareholders
In the event it is not possible to determine the identity of the beneficial owner (ie, at the level of the top company, no individual fulfills one of the above criteria), the legal representative(s) of the declaring entity will have to be declared as beneficial owner; in the event the legal representative of the declaring entity is a legal entity, it will be necessary to declare the identity of the individual acting as legal representative of this legal entity.
Branch of a foreign company
The required documents to incorporate a branch in France are:
- Name of the legal representative in France of the branch, together with a copy of his/her valid passport
- Name of the legal representative in the US, together with a copy of his/her valid passport and his/her personal address (please note that this person can be the same as in (1) above. Consequently, the French branch would have only one legal representative, acting in France and in the US)
- A copy of the articles of association and of the bylaws of the US company, to be certified conform to the original by the legal representative in France of the branch, together with a copy of a French translation, to be certified to conform to the original by the legal representative in France of the branch
- Original of the certificate of incorporation of the US company issued by the relevant US authorities, dated less than 3 months (to be certified as being original by the legal representative in France of the branch), together with a French translation, certified to conform to the original by the legal representative in France of the branch
- A short description of the business of the branch, the starting date of business and the number of employees, if any, at the time of the registration
- A copy of the executed commercial lease or domiciliation contract for the premises where the French branch will be located (in French). We can provide for the whereabouts of a domiciliation company we are used to work with, if necessary, and
- A copy of the beneficial owner declaration executed by the French representative of the French branch.