Registered branch
Income arising within Japan is, in principle, taxed, and income attributable to a branch arising in the countries other than Japan (if any) is subject to income tax in Japan.
Kabushiki-Kaisha (KK)
A KK is taxed at 2 levels. First, the KK is subject to corporate tax; then, shareholders are taxed on any dividends distributed by the KK, even though tax on distributed dividends can be reduced or exempt under applicable double-tax treaties. A KK is treated as a per se corporation for US tax purposes.
Godo-Kaisha (GK)
A GK is taxed at 2 levels. First, the GK is subject to corporate tax; then, members are taxed on any dividends distributed by the GK, even though tax on distributed dividends can be reduced or exempt under applicable double-tax treaties. A GK can be treated as a disregarded entity for US tax purposes.