Form of entity

Taiwan, China
Company limited by shares
A company limited by shares must carry on a profit-seeking business and is a separate and distinct legal entity whereby its capital is divided into shares. A foreign investor must file a foreign investment application (FIA) with the Investment Commission and upon approval incorporate an FIA company in Taiwan.
Closely-held company limited by shares
On June 15, 2015, a special section entitled "Closely-Held Company" (CHC) was added to Chapter 5 (Company Limited by Shares) as a result of the amendments to the Company Act. Its purpose is to encourage the growth of startups and small and medium enterprises and to accommodate the unique needs of tech startups. The amendments aim to create more autonomy for those small or medium companies and to increase the flexibility in share ownership arrangement and business operations of CHC.
Limited company
A limited company is owned by members whose respective ownerships are stated in terms of the amount of the members' capital contributions. A foreign investor must file an FIA with the Investment Commission and upon approval incorporate a limited company in Taiwan. A limited company has fewer corporate formalities than a company limited by shares. For example, a limited company does not have shareholders' meetings.
Branch office of a foreign company
A foreign company may register a branch office to carry on profit-seeking activities in Taiwan. A branch office is exempt from almost all of the corporate formality requirements of a company limited by shares.