Company limited by shares
A company with capital over NTD30 million (approximately USD1 million) or a company with capital less than NTD30 million but with (1) annual sales revenue exceeding NTD100 million (approximately USD3.3 million), or (2) more than 100 local employees, must have its annual financial statements audited by a local CPA. Except for the annual financial statements approved by the board/shareholders’ meeting (in respect of which the company must keep at least a copy thereof at the company’s place of business), other company's books and records need not be kept locally.
Closely-held company limited by shares
A CHC with capital over NTD30 million (approximately USD1 million) or a company with capital less than NTD30 million but with (1) annual sales revenue exceeding NTD100 million (approximately USD3.3 million), or (2) more than 100 local employees, must have its annual financial statements audited by a local CPA. Except for the annual financial statements approved by the board/shareholders’ meeting (in respect of which the CHC must keep at least a copy thereof at the CHC’s place of business), other CHC's books and records need not be kept locally.
Limited company
A company with capital contributions over NTD30 million (approximately USD1 million) or a company with capital contributions less than NTD30 million but with (1) annual sales revenue exceeding NTD100 million (approximately USD3.3 million), or (2) more than 100 local employees, must have its annual financial statements audited by a local CPA. The company's books and records need not be kept locally.
Branch office of a foreign company
A branch office must keep separate accounting books. A branch office with working capital over NTD30 million (approximately USD1 million) or a branch office with working capital less than NTD30 million but with (1) annual sales revenue exceeding NTD100 million (approximately USD3.3 million), or (2) more than 100 local employees, must have its annual financial statements audited by a local CPA. The branch office’s books and records need not be kept locally.