Shareholder meeting requirements

Taiwan, China
Company limited by shares
If there is more than 1 shareholder, shareholders' meetings must be held physically to approve certain important corporate matters, such as the company's annual financial statements. For a non-public status company, its shareholders' meeting may be conducted through video conferencing if its articles of incorporation so permit. Where there is only 1 shareholder, then all functions of the shareholders’ meeting are exercised by the board meetings.
Closely-held company limited by shares
If there is more than 1 shareholder, shareholders' meetings must be held to approve certain important corporate matters, such as the CHC's annual financial statements. If there is only 1 shareholder, then all functions of the shareholders’ meeting are exercised by the board meetings. The shareholders' meeting of a CHC may be conducted through video conferencing, and a resolution can be approved by all shareholders in writing without convening a meeting.
Limited company
Not applicable for this jurisdiction. Members are not required to meet annually. Rather, important corporate matters must be approved by all members in writing.
Branch office of a foreign company
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.