Director / officer requirements

Taiwan, China
Company limited by shares
At least 3 directors, 1 supervisor and a chairman of the board are required. If its articles of incorporation so permit, a non-public status company may have only 1 director (acting as the chairman of the company and exercising all functions of the board of directors) and 1 supervisor. Furthermore, if there is only1 corporate shareholder and its articles of incorporation so permit, then the company is exempt from the requirement to appoint a supervisor.
Closely-held company limited by shares
At least 3 directors, 1 supervisor and a chairman of the board are required. If its articles of incorporation so permit, a CHC may have only 1 director acting as the chairman of the company and exercising all functions of the board of directors. Furthermore, if there is only 1 corporate shareholder and its articles of incorporation so permit, then the CHC is exempt from the requirement to appoint a supervisor.
Limited company
The company must have at least 1 director, who must be a member or a representative designated by a corporate member.
Branch office of a foreign company
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.