Summary of director's, officer's and shareholder's authority and limitations thereof

Taiwan, China
Company limited by shares
The chairman, directors and supervisor are the "responsible persons" of the company and required to conduct the business of the company in good faith and exercise the due care of a good administrator. Officers are appointed by the board to oversee the day-to-day operations of the company.
Closely-held company limited by shares
The chairman, directors and supervisor are the "responsible persons" of the CHC and required to conduct the business of the CHC in good faith and exercise the due care of a good administrator. Officers are appointed by the board to oversee the day-to-day operations of the company.
Limited company
The director(s) is the "responsible person" of the company and is required to conduct the business of the company in good faith and exercise the due care of a good administrator.
Branch office of a foreign company
The branch manager is the "responsible person" of the branch office and is required to conduct the business of the branch office in good faith and exercise the due care of a good administrator.