Tax presence
United States
C corporation
A C corporation is taxed on its income at 2 levels (commonly referred to as double taxation). First the C corporation pays income taxes on its corporate income; then if C corporation distributes profits to shareholders, such shareholders then pay income tax on those dividends. Many C corporations are set up where the shareholders do not intend to distribute profits by dividends. If a C corporation is part of a consolidated tax group where the C corporation is not viewed as a separate taxable entity, the double taxation effect is mitigated.
S corporation
Pass-through entity taxed like a partnership, as there is only 1 level of income taxation. The corporate profits “pass through” to the owners, who pay income taxes on the profits at their individual tax rates.
Limited liability company (LLC)
Unless the LLC elects to be treated as a corporation, it is a pass-through entity taxed like a partnership, as there is only one level of income taxation. The corporate profits “pass through” to the owners, who pay income taxes on the profits at their individual tax rates.