Czech Republic
Termination with notice permissible on the following grounds: organizational change (ie, dissolution, relocation or other redundancy), incapability (ie, ill health, failure to meet conditions or unsatisfactory performance), misconduct and breach of obligation to remain at home during sick leave.
Immediate dismissal permissible on the grounds of criminal conduct and gross misconduct.
Employees subject to termination laws
All, except employees working based on an agreement on work performance and an agreement on work activity who have a more flexible termination procedure.
Prohibited or restricted terminations
Protection against termination for certain employees and in certain circumstances (eg, sick leave, military exercise, discharge of public office, pregnancy, maternity or parental leave). Certain statutory exceptions apply.
Third-party approval for termination/termination documents
If the employee is a trade union representative of a recognized union, the trade union's consent to the termination – on notice or immediate – is required.
Mass layoff rules
Mandatory consultation rules apply where the threshold number of employees will be made redundant over a 30-day period for organizational reasons. The thresholds are 10 employees if the employer has 20 to 100 employees; 10 percent of employees if the employer has 101 to 300 employees; and 30 employees if the employer has more than 300 employees. Obligatory notification must be given to the relevant labor authority and to the employee representative bodies.
Statutory minimum notice period of 2 months for both employee and employer. Notice period may be extended via agreement of the parties; this must be the same for employer and employee. No notice required in case of termination during probationary period and immediate dismissal.
Statutory right to pay in lieu of notice or garden leave
No unilateral right to pay in lieu of notice, but payment in lieu of notice may be agreed to in a termination agreement. Garden leave is not expressly regulated but is increasingly common.
Payable to all employees depending on the length of employment (1 times average monthly earnings if employment lasted less than 1 year; 2 times average monthly earnings if employment lasted at least 1 year; 3 times average monthly earnings if employment exceeded 2 years), provided that termination occurred on organizational grounds. If termination occurs due to an accident at work or occupational disease of the employee, 12 times average monthly earnings is owed. More generous terms are possible.