Working time, time off work & minimum wage
Employees entitled to minimum employment rights
All employees, except employees subject to special employment regulation of senior management (Royal Decree 1382/1985) who are not subject to the minimum employment rights established by the Workers' Statute, unless otherwise agreed. In addition, most CBAs exclude senior managers from their scope.
Working hours
As a general rule, there is a 40-hour-per-week limit on working time. CBAs may establish reduced working hours. All companies should have a working time register in order to keep a record of the employees’ workdays, and any employee, representative or labor inspector may access the register at any time in the workplace.
Only with employee consent, except in cases of force majeure. Overtime must be compensated in cash (with a value at least equivalent to an ordinary hour’s work) or time off in the following 4 months. CBAs may establish more beneficial treatment for the employee.
The national minimum wage for full-time positions in 2024 is EUR37.8 gross per day, or EUR1,134 gross per month (14 payments, 12 monthly payments and 2 extraordinary payments in July and December).
The applicable CBA also may set out a salary chart with a higher minimum wage.
30 calendar days' vacation per year plus 14 public holidays. CBAs may establish longer vacation periods.
Sick leave & pay
Employees are entitled to take time off for sick leave, usually up to 18 months. There is mandatory sick pay, which is borne by the Social Security Scheme. CBAs may require the employer to improve upon the mandatory social security benefits.
Maternity/parental leave & pay
16 weeks' paid maternity leave and, from 2021, 16 weeks' paid paternity leave. The first six weeks of the 16-week leave are mandatory for the employees and must be taken immediately after the birth of the child. In both cases, the pay is borne by the Social Security Scheme and is equivalent to 100 percent of the regulatory base (that is, the employee's salary determined pursuant to a specific formula over which public benefits are calculated). Employees have a right to return to work. CBAs may require the employer to improve social security benefits. In some cases, the father may take a part of the maternity leave days.
Parental leave for breastfeeding
Employees are entitled to a daily one-hour leave from work, which may be divided into two periods, to breastfeed a child until the child reaches the age of nine months. It is also possible to accumulate the hours of this leave into full working days that can be taken.
Other leave/time off work
Employees may be entitled to leave for other reasons, such as paid days for the death, accident, severe illness, hospitalization, or major surgery of family up to 2nd degree kinship; marriage; birth of a child; moving; public or personal duties; trade union functions; and prenatal examinations and preparation for childbirth. In addition, all employees with at least 1 year of service are entitled to 20 hours paid leave per year to pursue professional training related to the employer's activity. Duration of time off work under these situations is provided for in any applicable CBA. CBAs may improve employee’s time-off rights.