Termination of an indefinite-term employment contract is permissible on personal grounds (eg, misconduct or poor performance) and economic grounds (eg, economic difficulties, technological changes, activity closure or reorganization to safeguard competitiveness). Economic grounds are assessed at the group level in France in the relevant business sector. French Labor Code provides for a specific definition of "economic difficulties."
Early termination of a fixed-term employment contract is permissible only in limited circumstances as stated by the French Labor Code.
Employees subject to termination laws
All employees.
Restricted or prohibited terminations
Restrictions on terminations and specific procedures required for termination of protected employees:
- Termination of workers' representatives (workers' delegates, members of the works council or the CSE, union delegates and union section representatives)
- Termination while the employment contract is suspended as a result of an occupational disease or accident, save on the grounds of serious misconduct or the inability to maintain the contract for a reason unrelated to the occupational disease or accident
- Termination during pregnancy, maternity/adoption leave and for 10 weeks following maternity leave, save on the grounds of serious misconduct or the inability to maintain the contract for a reason unrelated to the pregnancy, childbirth or adoption.
- Employees holding a specific mandate in towns are protected.
Termination on discriminatory or illicit grounds is prohibited.
Third-party approval for termination
The Labor Inspector's authorization is needed in case of termination of a protected employee.
Mass layoff rules
Applicable rules differ depending on the number of employees made redundant over 30 days and the number of employees within the company.
If fewer than 10 employees are made redundant over 30 days in a company with at least 50 employees, informing or consulting the CSE is required.
If at least 10 employees are made redundant over 30 days in a company with at least 50 employees, the employer must implement an employment safeguard plan (PSE), inform/consult with the CSE and follow the procedure under the control of the Labor Administration.
In companies with fewer than 50 employees, informing or consulting with the CSE, when in place, is required.
Under 6 months' seniority: as determined by law, the CBA or geographical and professional common practice.
Between 6 months' and 2 years' seniority: 1 month.
At least 2 years' seniority: 2 months.
Subject to differentiating provisions in the CBA, employment contract or common practice, whichever is more agreeable to the employee.
No notice period in case of dismissal for gross or willful misconduct.
Statutory right to pay in lieu of notice or garden leave
Employees may be paid in lieu of notice. Alternatively, an employee can be paid their usual salary for the duration of the notice period even if not performed.
An employee with at least 8 months of seniority is entitled to a severance of 1/4 of their average monthly salary per year of seniority for the first 10 years and 1/3 of their average monthly salary per year of seniority for each following year, subject to more agreeable provisions in the applicable CBA, which are frequent.