Employees entitled to minimum employment rights
Working hours
Legal working time is 35 hours per week. Other working-time schemes available depending upon the terms of the CBA.
Employees may be entitled to RTT or resting days to compensate for days worked above the legal working time, under the conditions set by CBAs.
Overtime is compensated with increased rest or by an equivalent rate. Annual threshold of 220 hours, unless otherwise provided by an applicable company agreement or CBAs.
The minimum wage for 2024 is EUR1,766.92 gross per month for a 35-hour week. In addition, minimum (higher) salaries may be provided by applicable CBAs.
Subject to more favorable terms specified in a CBA, employees are entitled to 5 weeks paid holiday per year (ie, 25 working days, if working Monday through Friday, or 30 working days, if working Monday through Saturday).
Additional RTT or resting days may apply (see above).
Sick leave & pay
Subject to more favorable terms specified in a CBA, daily indemnity is paid by the Social Security Authorities as of the 4th day of absence. In case of sick leave due to an occupational accident or a professional sickness, the payment will begin on the 1st day of absence.
For employees with at least 1 year of seniority within the company, social security indemnity is to be supplemented with an employer-paid indemnity, depending on certain conditions and within certain limits, as of the 8th day of absence (the 1st day in case of occupational accident or sickness). In the absence of any more favorable provisions of the CBA, the legal amount of the employer-paid-indemnity is:
Maternity/parental leave & pay
The following provisions apply in the absence of more favorable provisions of the CBA.
Maternity leave: The duration differs in function of the number of children expected during the pregnancy and the number of children already being taken care of by the employee.The duration of maternity leave is 16 weeks for an employee expecting a single birth and provided that she does not have another child.
Maternity insurance: Daily indemnity paid by the Social Security Authorities under certain conditions.
The employer must ensure that the employee takes at least 2 weeks of leave before the birth and 6 weeks after the birth. The employer is not required by law to maintain the employee's salary in whole or in part but is often required to do so by the applicable CBA or common practice
Paternity leave: up to 25 consecutive days (32 days in case of multiple births) to be taken in principle within 6 months of the birthdate and 3 days as a birth leave. The employer must ensure that the employee takes at least 4 days of leave.
Parental leave: upon the expiry of the maternity leave. 1 year to be extended up to 3 years. Full-time leave or part-time work permissible during the leave period. Employees who have adopted a child under the age of 16 years old are eligible.
Other leave/time off work
A variety of specific leave are provided for under French Law. Thus, specific days of leave are granted to the employee in case of extraordinary family circumstances, as, for example, his wedding (4 days), the announcement of his child’s disability (5 days) or the bereavement of his child (14 days if he is under 25 years old, otherwise 12 days). French law also provides for a family solidarity leave if an employee wants to support a family member who suffers from a life-threating illness (3 months).
Sabbatical leave, from 6 months to 11 months can also be taken by an employee. He can also take a one-year leave extended by up to 1 year if he wants to create a business. Finally, for employees between 18 and 25 years old, a paid day leave is granted to them to ensure their participation to the defense and citizenship day.