Working time, time off work & minimum wage
Employees entitled to minimum employment rights
All. For provisions regarding working hours, exceptions apply for employees in senior and particularly independent positions.
Working hours
Ordinary working hours must not exceed 9 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Specific rules apply for daily and weekly off-duty time, rest breaks, night work and work on Sundays.
The employer must pay an overtime supplement of at least 40 percent of salary for work in excess of agreed working hours (ie, 9 hours per day and 40 hours per week).
No statutory minimum wage. In some sectors, collective bargaining agreements that have been made generally applicable stipulate minimum wages.
25 working days (including Saturdays) per year, in addition to public holidays. Employees who are turning 60 during the same year have a right to 6 additional holidays.
Sick leave & pay
Statutory right to take time off for sick leave. Employees are entitled to receive sick pay for 1 year. Sick pay is provided by the employer for the first 16 days at basic salary rate and thereafter by the national insurance.
Maternity/parental leave & pay
Parents have a general shared right to leave of absence for a total of 12 months, or longer if entitled to parental benefits. 15 weeks are reserved for the father, and 15 weeks are reserved for the mother. Allowance from the government is paid either for a period of 49 weeks at a full daily rate or 59 weeks at a reduced daily rate (ie, 80 percent). Collective bargaining agreements and individual contracts of employment may contain special regulations. In addition, parents have a right to unpaid leave for up to 12 months for each child.
Other leave/time off work
Employees may also be entitled to leave for other purposes, such as educational leave, leave in connection with military services or attendance in public bodies.