Both patent applications and granted patents can be assigned. Assignments must be executed in accordance with the Patent Law and recorded in the register. Both assignments of applications and granted patents are subject to the vetting procedure of the Department of Industrial Property and may be rejected on a wide range of grounds.
The owner may license the use or exploitation of "the right [which is] the subject of the protection" (Patent Law Article 54). The licensor should be able to license the various rights separately, for example, he should be able to give the right to produce the product (in the case of a product patent) to one person and the rights to offer it for sale and sell it to another, subject to approval from the Department of Industrial Property.
Article 54 of the Patent Law provides that the license term may not exceed the term of protection given by the law so no license can grant rights that exceed the term of patent protection. If no term is expressly stated in the license the term of the license is deemed to be the entire term of the patent.
All licenses are deemed to be non-exclusive unless they are expressed to be otherwise, similarly all licenses are deemed to be for "all the lands of the state" unless stated otherwise (Patent Law Article 57(1)). This means that the licensee is permitted to exercise its rights under the license anywhere in the UAE unless the license expressly states otherwise.
The licensee has the right to prevent infringement or threat of damage to the patent, however, the licensee may only instigate legal and judicial proceedings and demand compensation after the licensee has informed the patentee by registered letter and the patentee does not undertake the "necessary procedures" within 30 days of notice (Patent Law Article 57 (2)).