Copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. Some special calculations are applicable for copyrightable works made before or during the Second World War.
For an anonymous work or a pseudonymous work, the copyright lasts for a term of 70 years from its first publication, or a term of 70 years from the death of the author if the author is known, whichever expires first.
For a work owned by an entity (eg, work made for hire), the copyright lasts for a term of 70 years from the work's first publication. If it is not made public within the 70-year term, the copyright lasts for 70 years after the creation.
If a work is a movie, its copyright endures for a term of 70 years from its first publication. If the movie is not made public, the copyright lasts for 70 years after the creation of the movie.