Copyright infringement occurs when one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights are violated (i.e., when another party copies, distributes, performs, or displays all or part of a copyright work without the permission of the copyright owner). To establish copyright infringement, a copyright owner must establish ownership of copyright and that the person has copied the whole or substantial part of their work.
Infringement also occurs if a person imports infringing copies for sale or distribution, sells (including distributes for trade or any other purpose to an extent that affects prejudicially the copyright owner) or lets for hire infringing copies or offers infringing copies for sale or hire by way of trade.
The owner of a copyright may bring an action for an infringement of the copyright. The types of remedies available include injunction, a monetary award (eg, damages, an account of profits, statutory damages) or an order for delivery of and disposal of the infringing copies.
Manufacture of infringing copies for sale, sale of infringing copies, possession or importation of infringing copies for trade or any other purpose to such an extent as to affect the owner prejudicially and willful infringement of copyright for the purposes of commercial advantage and/or to an extent that is significant are criminal offences, subject to fines and/or imprisonment.