As a general rule, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, should a work be commissioned by 3rd parties or created by an employee in the performance of their tasks or upon instructions given by the employer, the economic rights on such work would be held by the commissioner or employer, while moral rights, which are non-transferable and inalienable, would be retained by the author (ie, employee).
With regard to software and databases, unless otherwise agreed, the employer holds the exclusive right to exploit the work created by an employee in the performance of their tasks or upon the instructions of the employer.
With regard to industrial designs, economic rights would be held by the employer in case the work has been created by the employee in the performance of their duties. Moral rights would, in any case, be retained by the employee.
When an industrial invention is made during the performance or fulfillment of an employment contract, whereby the inventive activity is deemed to be the objective and the employee is specifically paid to invent, the employer retains the patent rights arising from the invention, and the inventor (which is not entitled to any bonus or compensation with regard to the invention) retains the right to be recognized as such.
When an industrial invention is made during the performance or fulfillment of an employment contract that does not provide specific compensation for inventive activity, the employer holds the patent rights arising from the invention, and the inventor is entitled to a fair compensation and holds the right to be recognized as inventor.
If none of the above applies, but the invention is related to the field of activities of the employer, the employer retains an option rights to use and purchase the invention.
With respect to the framework of research by universities and similar institutions, the rights of the inventions made by researchers during the course of employment with a research institution, university or similar entities, belong to the research institution or university. The researcher retains the moral right to be recognized as inventor.
Different principles apply to inventions carried out within the frame of publicly funded research by universities and similar institutions and researchers.