Tax rates

r corporate tax, the basic national corporate tax rate is 23.2 percent for taxable years commencing from April 1, 2018 or later. Corporations are also subject to local taxes, which increase the standard effective tax rate to 30.62 percent (if the office is located in Tokyo). Since April 2016, the amended Corporation Tax Act has come into force, and corporate tax on a foreign corporation with a permanent establishment in Japan is imposed on its income attributable to the permanent establishment in Japan. For small and medium-sized enterprises, the lowered 19 percent national corporate tax rate is applicable for the income equal to or less than 8 million yen per annum. Until the taxable years commencing before April 1, 2025, such rate is further lowered to 15 percent for a corporation which average taxable income for the last 3 fiscal years is not exceeding JPY1.5 billion.