A loan can be sold on an individual basis or packaged up with other loans and sold as a portfolio pursuant to overarching terms.
The most common ways of selling loans are as follows.
Transfer of contract (cession de contrat)
A cession de contrat is a full legal transfer of the party's rights and obligations. It is a tripartite arrangement between the transferor (cédant), the assigned party (cédé) and the transferee (cessionnaire). To the extent the assigned party (cédé) has given its consent, the transferor (cédant) is released from its obligations for the future.
Assignment of rights (cession de créance)
A cession de créance is available to the extent the facility has been fully drawn. Subject to any contractual restrictions, a cession de créance can be done without the consent of the debtor.
A sub-participation is a transfer of the economic interest in a loan without changing the legal relationship between the existing parties. Sub-participations involve the buyer taking on double credit risk, both on the seller as well as the borrower.
Erwan Lacheteau
DLA Piper
[email protected]
T +33 6 86 48 82 81
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