Compare M&A regimes in an instant

If you are looking to be better informed about cross-border transactions, this site gives you access to a wealth of information compiled by lawyers with extensive knowledge and experience in the field. DLA Piper advises on more deals than any other firm in the world, as demonstrated by our #1 position in Mergermarket's M&A league tables since 2010. This seasoned team of global lawyers is the driving force behind this overview of local laws in front of you, covering 42 jurisdictions in connection with private company M&A.

This tool covers 13 key topics relevant to executing or planning an M&A transaction. It gives you a helpful overview of issues you may encounter when undertaking a transaction in any country in which you do business – or plan to do business in future. Please get in touch if you require further assistance; we would love to hear from you at [email protected] or via your usual DLA Piper contact.