Annual corporate maintenance requirements

New Zealand
Limited liability company
A limited liability company must confirm its corporate details and pay an annual return fee to the Companies Office each year. Depending on whether it qualifies as a 'large' company (determined by reference to revenue, gross assets and identity of shareholders), audited financial statements may need to be filed each year. Unless granted relief from the Companies Office, large companies that are required to prepare an annual financial report must appoint an auditor. The threshold for 'large' varies depending on where the shareholders of the company reside. A New Zealand company is classified as a 'large' company for a particular financial year if 1 of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD66 million or
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD33 million.
A New Zealand company that is a subsidiary of an overseas company is classified as 'large' for a particular financial year if 1 of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD22 million or
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD11 million.
Once the overseas company is registered as a New Zealand branch, it is required to lodge the following with the Companies Office:
Audited financial statements (if it is 'large')
- Annual return along with annual return fee
An overseas company will be considered 'large' for a particular financial year if either of the following 2 tests applies:
- As at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD22 million; or
- In each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD11 million.
Audited financial statements will also need to be filed in respect of the branch if it is considered 'large.' The branch will be considered 'large' in its own right for a particular financial year if either of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the branch exceed USD22million:
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the branch exceeds USD11 million.