  • Residence and basis for taxation

    In Argentina coexist 3 levels of taxation: federal, provincial (state) and municipal level.

    An entity is deemed resident for tax purposes when it is incorporated in Argentina under the laws of Argentina. An Argentine individual is considered a tax resident unless they lose their tax residence status by choice, obtain legal residence in other country or by fact, when the individual is outside the country for at least a 12-month period, with certain exemptions.


    Local entities and resident individuals are subject to income tax on domestic and foreign source income.


    Non-resident entities or individuals are taxed on income of Argentine source. The tax applicable is the income tax that comprises corporate earnings and capital gains. In general, a local resident paying to a foreign entity or individual is obliged to withhold income tax. The withholding rate varies in connection with the type of payment. 

    Permanent establishments are taxed as local entities on income attributable to the permanent establishment.

    Income tax on indirect transfer

    Income tax on an indirect transfer may apply if a non-resident entity is transferred provided that at least 30 percent of value of the entity is represented by assets located in Argentina and provided that the transferor owns at least 10 percent of the capital of such entity.

  • Taxable income


    In general, the taxable income in the income tax for resident entities and resident individuals is equal to gross earnings minus deductions. In general, all expenses incurred to obtain, maintain and preserve taxable income are deductible unless expressly forbidden.


    Non-resident entities and individuals are taxed on income of Argentine source by way of income tax. The local resident paying to a foreign entity or individual is obliged to withhold the income tax at a 35-percent (or 15-percent for some gains as capital gains) tax rate applied on a presumption of taxable income that varies in connection with the concept by which the payment is made. The presumption of taxable income can be from 35 percent up to 100 percent of the amounts paid.

    For incomes connected to the transfer of shares, bonds or titles, or incomes connected with the rental of real estate or the transfer of assets located in Argentina owned by a non-resident, the non-resident individual or entity is entitled to choose to apply the presumption of income or to present evidence of all the expenses incurred and deduct those expenses from the gross amount to be paid.

  • Tax rates


    Local entities are subject to an income tax rate of 30 percent for the fiscal year 2020 and 25 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.

    In general, local individuals are taxed at a progressive tax rate that goes from 5 percent to 35 percent, except for earnings with a fixed tax rate. Those are the following:

    • For local individuals, the transfer of sovereign bonds or any title is taxed at a 5-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos, or 15-percent income tax rate if a share of a corporation is transferred, or if the title or sovereign bond is issued in Argentine pesos with an adjustment clause or in foreign currency except an exemption results applicable.
    • The transfer of real estate by a local individual is taxed at a rate of 1 percent of income tax.  


    In general, non-resident entities and individuals are taxed at an income tax rate of 35 percent applied on the presumption of taxable income with effective tax rates of 12.5 percent up to 31.5 percent (see Taxable Incomes). Some concepts are not taxed at the general 35-percent tax rate and are taxed to a specific tax rate.

    • Transfer of sovereign bonds or any title (public or private) is taxed at a 5-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos, or 15-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos with adjustment clause, or in foreign currency except an exemption results applicable. The transfer of shares of a local corporation is taxed at a 15-percent income tax rate. This assumes that the foreign beneficiary is in a jurisdiction considered as cooperative for tax purposes. 
    • Dividends paid to a non-resident individual or entity are taxed at a 7-percent tax rate for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.
    • The applicable tax rates can be lower if a double taxation treaty is applicable.
  • Tax compliance

    Local entities and individuals are obliged to fill tax returns at the federal, state and municipal level depending on their activities. Tax returns must be filled on a monthly or yearly basis depending on the tax.

    Information regimes are applicable to certain activities. Advance payment regimes are applicable for some taxes.

  • Alternative minimum tax

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

  • Tax holidays, rulings and incentives

    Tax holidays

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

    Tax rulings

    In some cases, taxpayers are entitled to present to the tax authorities a request for a ruling on a specific case. The ruling is binding for the consultant.

    Tax incentives

    There are tax incentives at the federal, state and municipal level which target specific activities, such as renewables and software services and development.

  • Consolidation

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

  • Participation exemption

    Argentina tax legislation does not provide for a participation exemption.

    Dividends paid by a local entity to another local entity are exempt from income tax. Dividends are only taxed when distributed to a local individual or to a foreign entity or individual.

  • Capital gain

    Capital gains are taxed by the income tax.

    Domestic and foreign, see Taxable income and Tax rates.

    Income tax on indirect transfer

    Income tax on indirect transfer may apply if a non-resident entity is transferred provided that at least 30 percent of value of the entity is represented by assets located in Argentina and provided that the transferor owns at least 10 percent of the capital of such entity. When the transfer is carried on intragroup, the income tax on indirect transfer is not applicable.

  • Distributions

    Distributions are taxed as dividends. Regardless of the tax residence of the recipient, dividends are taxed at a 7-percent tax rate for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.

    Domestic and foreign, see Taxable income and Tax rates.

  • Loss utilization

    Losses can be carried forward and can be offset with future profits for a 5-year period.

    Losses considered to be of Argentine source can be offset only with profits considered to be of Argentine source. Losses considered to be of foreign source can only be an offset of foreign-source profits.

  • Tax-free reorganizations

    In Argentina, it is possible to carry on an intragroup reorganization with no tax effects. Mergers, spinoffs or partial spinoffs are exempted from income tax, VAT and turnover tax if certain requirements are met.

    Income tax on indirect transfers can also be carried on with no tax costs if it is an intragroup transfer.

  • Anti-deferral rules

    According to CFC rules, the profits of a foreign entity directly or indirectly owned by a local entity or individual should be declared and taxed in the fiscal year of accrual in the following cases:

    • Trusts: When the trust is revocable, when the settlor is also the beneficiary or when the resident individual or entity has full control of the trust
    • When the foreign entity is not considered a tax resident of the jurisdiction where it is incorporated
    • When:
      • The local individual or entity directly or indirectly owns at least 50 percent of the capital of the foreign entity
      • The foreign entity does not have sufficient structure to carry on its business or when at least 50 percent of the profits of the foreign entity are passive income
      • The taxes paid by the foreign entity in the country where it is incorporated are less than the 25 percent of the income tax that would be payable in Argentina (this requirement is deemed as occurred if the entity is incorporated in a non-cooperative jurisdiction).
  • Foreign tax credits

    Subject to conditions and limitations, foreign tax credits are available for foreign income taxes paid.

  • Special rules applicable to real property

    Domestic and foreign

    When a local entity or a non-resident individual or entity sells or transfers real estate property located in Argentina, income tax is triggered.

    For resident individuals, if the real estate property that is being transferred has been acquired by the seller before January 1, 2018, no income tax is applicable, and the local individual must pay a special tax on transfer of real estate property.

    There is the possibility of a tax deferral on the income tax applicable to the sale of a real estate property using a sale and replacement mechanism.

  • Transfer pricing

    Argentine transfer pricing rules apply to transactions between an Argentine party and a foreign related entity or any entity domiciled in a tax haven jurisdiction, a jurisdiction considered as non-cooperative, or that is subject to a privileged tax regime.

    Argentine transfer pricing rules follow arm's-length rule and follow the OECD guidelines with some divergences.

  • Withholding tax

    (see Taxable income and Tax rates.)


    Payments made by banks and financial institutions to local entities or individuals in the case of interests on bank deposits or financial investments are subject to income tax withholding.

    Dividends paid by a local entity to a local individual are subject to income tax withholding. The tax rate applicable is 7 percent for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of FY 2021.


    Non-resident entities or individuals are taxed on their income considered to be of Argentine source.

    The local payer is obliged to withhold the income tax at the time of the payment. Tax rates and presumptions of taxable income vary in connection with the type of payment made.

    Tax treaties may reduce or eliminate withholding of income tax.

  • Capital duty, stamp duty and transfer tax

    Capital gains are taxed by the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).

    Stamp duty or stamp tax is a provincial tax triggered by the entering of written agreements signed by both parties. The tax rate applicable varies in connection with the province and in connection with the agreement. Tax rates are of 0.2 percent up to 5 percent of the total amount of the agreement.

    There are legal mechanisms to avoid the payment of stamp tax by entering into an agreement as an offering letter.

    Transfers of shares, assets and real estate property are taxed under the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).

  • Employment taxes

    Employers must withhold income tax and social security contributions. Employers also must pay their share of social security contributions. These taxes are deductible by an employer for Argentine income tax purposes.

  • Other tax considerations

    Provincial taxes - Turnover tax

    Turnover tax or gross income tax is a tax collected by the province. The taxable event is the performance of commercial or industrial activity in the territory of the province. Tax rates can be 0.5 percent up to 6 percent in connection with the activity applied on the gross income. Some activities are charged with higher tax rates, such as online gambling, which is taxed at a 15-percent tax rate in the Province of Buenos Aires.

    In some provinces, turnover tax is also applicable to the import of digital services.

    Every province has its own turnover tax. However, the turnover tax collected by each province is similar, although different tax treatments may be applicable for certain activities.

    Tax benefits

    For some activities, there are special tax benefits at the federal level and provincial level.

    There are tax benefits for an investment in renewable energy, software production and services, investments in capital assets, biodiesel fuel and mining.

    The benefits may include partial or full exemptions, accelerated depreciation and drawback.

    VAT on the import of digital services

    The federal government collects VAT on the importation of digital B2C services. The taxpayer is the local resident unless the service provider has a fixed place in the Argentina. The tax rate is 21 percent.

    PAIS Tax

    The PAIS tax is applicable to the purchase of foreign currency by resident individuals. It is also applicable when a local individual pays for services to a foreign entity using their credit/debit cards. The tax rate is 30 percent, or 8 percent when the service being paid is already taxed with the VAT on digital services.

    Double taxation treaties

    Argentina has signed tax treaties with Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, the UK, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland (all in force), and Japan, Luxembourg, Turkey, China, and Qatar (signed but not yet in force).

  • Key contacts
    Augusto Nicolás Mancinelli
    Augusto Nicolás Mancinelli
    Partner DLA Piper (Argentina) [email protected] T +5411 41145500 View bio

Capital duty, stamp duty and transfer tax


Capital gains are taxed by the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).

Stamp duty or stamp tax is a provincial tax triggered by the entering of written agreements signed by both parties. The tax rate applicable varies in connection with the province and in connection with the agreement. Tax rates are of 0.2 percent up to 5 percent of the total amount of the agreement.

There are legal mechanisms to avoid the payment of stamp tax by entering into an agreement as an offering letter.

Transfers of shares, assets and real estate property are taxed under the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).


No capital duty. Stamp duties and transfer taxes may be imposed at the state and territory level on transfers of assets and other "dutiable transactions," which includes certain transfers of shares in "landholders."

Where applicable, exemption may be available on application to, and approval by, the relevant state/territory revenue office.

From July I, 2016, share transfer duty was abolished in all states and territories.


Stamp duty

Austria levies stamp duty on certain legally predefined transactions for which a written contract has been established. Stamp duty has to be paid if at least 1 Austrian party is involved or, even if a contract is concluded between non-Austrian parties only, if the subject of the contract relates to Austria. The Austrian administration's understanding of a ‘written contract’ is very broad and covers not only paper contracts but also contracts concluded by electronic means (eg, electronically signed emails).

Relevant legal transactions subject to stamp dutyinclude:

  • Instructions (2 percent)
  • Rental agreements: eg, rental contracts for movable or immovable property, leases (1 percent)

  • Declarations of surety and specific guarantees (1 percent)
  • Mortgage (1 percent)
  • Assignments of receivables (0.8 percent)

It should be mentioned that exemptions are available. Loan and credit agreements are not subject to stamp duty.


There is no capital duty. Share transfers are not subject to stamp duty or transfer tax. Stamp duties and transfer taxes may, however, be imposed on other transactions (eg, transfer of real estate).


Brazil does not impose capital duty or stamp duty. Transfer taxes may be imposed at the state (ITCMD) or local level (ITBI) as discussed below.


Canada does not levy a general capital tax, but federal and provincial capital taxes may be imposed on certain financial institutions. Canada does not have a general stamp duty; however, transfer taxes may be imposed at the provincial level. Some provinces and municipalities also impose speculation tax or vacancy taxes on residential properties.


Credit operations (eg, granting of loans, issuance of bonds, or other operations the create a lender-borrower relationship) are subject to Stamp Tax. Generally it becomes chargeable upon the issuance of the document evidencing the credit operation or when it is accounted for by a Chilean entity if the document is issued abroad. Maximum rate is 0.8 percent imposed on the principal amount. 


There is no capital duty in the PRC upon capital contribution.  China has also abolished registration fee based on the amount of registered capital of an enterprise. Stamp duty and transfer taxes (value-added tax) may be imposed on asset and equity transfers as applicable.


  • Capital and Stamp Duties

The Registry Tax levies the registration of documents before the Chamber of Commerce and before the Registry of Public Deeds, including the increase of capital in a corporation and any transfer of immovable property. Tax rates vary from 0.1 percent to 1 percent.

Generally, for capitalizations the rate is 0.7% for capital and 0.3% for share premium, but rates may vary depending on the local jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

For documents that do not embed any value it applies a fixed value.

  • Financial Transactional Tax  

The 0.4 percent financial transactional tax is accrued on every transaction aimed, in general, at withdrawing resources from checking, deposit or savings accounts, and cashier checks. 

50 percent of Financial Transaction Tax is a deductible expense regardless if it is related or not to the income-producing activity.


Sale of Finnish shares (of a non-real estate company) is subject to a 1.5-percent transfer tax on equity value of the transaction payable by the buyer. Transfer tax is not applicable on transfers of Finnish shares between non-Finnish parties.

For transfer tax on the sale of real estate, please see “Special rules applicable to real property” above. 


No stamp duties. The Finance Act for 2019 repealed registration duties levied on share capital increases of French companies and most reorganizations. However, registration duties at a proportional rate may be levied, in particular in the cases of acquisition of shares in a capital company, transfers of real estate assets, real estate companies or going concerns.


According to the RETT Act, RETT should be levied on (i) the transfer of German real estate, or (ii) the direct or indirect transfer of 90 percent or more of the interest in a partnership owning German real estate to new partners within 10 years, or (iii) the direct or indirect transfer of 90 percent or more of the shares in a corporation owning German real estate to new shareholders within 10 years, or (iv) the direct or indirect aggregation at the level of 1 shareholder or interest holder of 90 percent or more of the shares in a corporation or interest in a partnership owning German real estate. Furthermore, a transaction which has the effect that a taxpayer (directly or indirectly, or partly directly and partly indirectly) holds an economic participation of at least 90 percent in a company or partnership owning real property also triggers RETT. The tax rate ranges between 3.50 percent and 6.50 percent among the German federal states. Before the RETT reform effective from July1, 2021, RETT was triggered upon the transfer of at least 95 percent of shares or interests in a partnership within 5 years.

There are no other transfer taxes, capital duties or stamp duties. 

Hong Kong, SAR

Hong Kong does not have capital duty.

For shares transfer or sales of shares, ad valorem stamp duty is payable in respect of contract notes at the rate of 0.2 percent of the consideration or the fair market value of the shares, whichever is higher, and a fixed duty of HKD5 each is payable in respect of the instrument of transfer.

For sale or transfer of immovable property in Hong Kong, ad valorem stamp duty at applicable rates is payable depending on the type of immovable property being transferred. In addition, residential property transactions in Hong Kong may also attract Buyer's Stamp Duty and Special Stamp Duty.

For rental of immovable property in Hong Kong, stamp duty is payable at up to 1 percent of the average yearly rent.

In case of an intra-group transfer, a stamp duty exemption may apply.


There is no capital duty in Hungary. There is no standard rate for stamp duties – they are imposed in administrative and court procedures.

Generally, transfer tax is payable by the purchaser at a rate of 4 percent of the value of the property up to HUF1 billion, and 2 percent on the value exceeding HUF1 billion (approximately USD2,900,000) (capped at HUF200 million per property, approximately USD580,000).


ROC charges are payable when the authorized share capital of a company is increased, at progressive rates depending on the value of capital. Stamp duties and transfer taxes may be imposed at the state or local level.


No capital duty applies in Ireland. Stamp duty generally applies to certain documents which effect certain transactions which are executed in Ireland (eg, documents effecting share transfers or transfers of ownership of other assets). The rate of stamp duty varies depending on the nature of the transaction and the assets. The transfer of Irish shares is subject to 1 percent stamp duty and the transfer of non-residential property is subject to stamp duty at 7.5 percent.

Intellectual property transfers should be exempt from stamp duty where the type of intellectual property being transferred falls within the scope of a "specified intangible asset" which is broadly defined.


There is no Israeli capital duty or stamp duty.

VAT at a flat rate of 17 percent is imposed on most goods sold and services rendered. Export of goods and intangible assets are generally subject to 0-rate VAT. Provision of services to non-residents may also enjoy the 0-rate VAT under certain conditions.

Purchase tax is imposed on the purchase of real property or interest in real estate company, as described under Special rules applicable to real property.


No capital duty. Stamp duties and transfer taxes may be imposed on specific corporate transactions.


Upon incorporation of a company or an increase in registered capital, a certain amount of the registration tax is required that is based on the capital amount. Stamp duty may be imposed depending on the types of the documents or agreements. With respect to transfer taxes, an acquirer (a new owner) of real estate must pay the real estate acquisition tax, and the fixed asset tax must be paid by the publicly registered owner of fixed assets by January 1 of each year. Also, the registration tax is required for a real estate registration in order to perfect the transfer.


No capital duty is levied in Luxembourg (except in particular cases). A registration fee of EUR75 is imposed on incorporation or amendments to bylaws.

There is no stamp duty in Luxembourg.

A transfer tax is applied to a transfer of immovable property. A 6 percent basic rate and a 1 percent transcription tax are applicable. For real estate located in Luxembourg City, an additional charge amounting to 50 percent of the transfer tax is imposed (exemptions are available).


There is no capital duty and stamp duty in Mexico. As noted above, there are real estate transfer taxes.


Stamp duty and real estate transfer tax are applicable in Mozambique.

Stamp duty is due on all documents, contracts, books, papers and acts established by law that occurred in Mozambique. Stamp duty is also due in case of documents or acts entered into outside the national territory when they are presented in Mozambique for any legal purpose. Apart from specific rates that apply to transactions and documents specifically provided in the Stamp Duty Rates Table, there is a residual rate (MT200,000) applicable in case of contracts, addenda, agreements or conventions, which are not specifically provided for therein.

Real estate transfer tax is due in respect of the transfer, on an onerous basis, of the right of ownership or other incidental rights on real property; real property is understood to be “urban buildings” located within the national territory.


Real estate transfer tax is levied on the transfer of shares of Dutch real estate companies. Transfer of the shares is subjected to 8-percent transfer tax if the assets consist of mainly (ie, 50 percent or more) real estate.

Direct transfer of Dutch real estate is also subject to 8-percent transfer tax, or 2-percent in the case of owner-occupied dwellings. Certain exemptions may apply.

Private individuals may, under certain conditions, benefit from a transfer tax exemption on houses that are used for personal dwelling.

The Netherlands does not levy any other stamp duty, capital duty or registration tax of any kind.


The sale or other transfer of real estate is generally subject to 2.5-percent stamp duty, based on the market value of the real estate. Transfer tax is generally not levied.


Transfer Taxes

Real estate transfer taxes (Alcabala) apply to any transfer of property of urban or rural real estate, whether it is a free transaction or not, and in any mode of transferring.

Real estate transfer taxes are levied at 3 percent of the sale price (or the municipal reference value, whichever is higher) and payable by the buyer. The first 10 tax units (USD13,000) of the transaction are tax-exempt.


There is no capital duty. Stamp duties and transfer taxes are imposed for certain types of sales and transactions. In particular, 1 percent transfer tax is payable on direct sales of shares in Polish companies.


Stamp duty and transfer tax are applicable in Portugal.


There is no capital duty. Transfer taxes and notary fees may be imposed upon sale of a real estate property.


No capital duty or transfer tax is levied in Russia.

A legal entity that performs certain legal actions is required to pay a stamp duty. The list of such actions includes the following:

  • State registration of a legal entity
  • Registration of branches and representative offices of a foreign legal entity
  • Registration of the title transfer in relation to real estate property
  • The obtaining of a license to conduct certain activities
  • Initiation of a court action, and
  • Notary services.


Stamp duty is payable on dutiable documents relating to any immovable property in Singapore and any stocks or shares in Singapore incorporated companies. Stamp duty relief is available subject to conditions.

South Africa

There is no capital or stamp duties. Transfer taxes are payable on the transfer of securities and properties.

South Korea

Inheritance tax, gift tax, stamp tax, securities transaction tax and capital duty may be imposed at national tax level.


1 percent capital duty applies to share capital distributions and to dissolution of Spanish entities, to be paid by the shareholders.

Transfer tax is applicable on certain transactions, including the transfer of real estate and the lease of real estate exempt from VAT. Transfer tax is not recoverable and paid by the buyer or lessee.

Stamp duty is applicable to notarial deeds over a valuable right or asset which can be registered in a public registry, among other transactions, with rates generally ranging from 0.5 percent to 3 percent depending on the region and the transaction.


Stamp duty may be triggered on the sale of real estate. There is no stamp duty or similar on the sale of assets. Sweden does not have transfer tax.


The tax on issued securities (also called stamp issuance duty) is 1 percent of the amount received in consideration for the participation rights, but not less than the nominal share capital with exemption for the first CHF1 million. This exemption is applicable for the establishment of corporations and for increases in capital up to CHF1 million. The tax base is equal to the amount paid in exchange for the remittance of the shares (ie, the nominal value and capital surplus). Issuance stamp tax generally is not due on share issues related to mergers, demergers, relocations to Switzerland or similar transactions.

Transfer stamp tax is levied on the transfer of ownership of certain securities which involve Swiss securities dealers. Swiss securities dealers include banks, fund managers and similar entities, but also ordinary companies that own taxable securities (eg, shares or bonds) with a book value of more than CHF10 million. The tax rate is 0.15 percent for Swiss securities and 0.30 percent for foreign securities. Various exemptions apply, and these exemptions must be checked on a case-by-case basis.

In most cantons, the transfer of real estate is subject to a conveyance tax whereas, on the federal level, no taxes of such kind are levied. As a general rule, conveyance tax is assessed on the purchase price or the taxable value of the real estate and is typically paid by the purchaser of the real estate.

Taiwan, China

Capital duty: A registration fee is charged on a company’s capital at a rate of TWD1 for every TWD4,000 capital.

Stamp duty: Stamp duty applies to various documents at different rates.

Securities transaction tax: 0.30 percent on gross proceeds from the sale of shares issued by Taiwan companies and 0.10 percent on gross proceeds from trading in corporate and financial bonds (though temporarily exempt) and other securities.

Luxury tax: The luxury tax is imposed on the sale of real property held for less than 2 years or import of passenger vehicles (exclusive of electric-powered vehicles), yachts, aircrafts, helicopters and light vehicles that cost more than TWD3 million.


No capital duty. Stamp duty may be fixed or proportionate to the relevant document's price, based on the relevant document's type. Proportional stamp duty is payable at rates ranging from 0 percent to 0.948 percent based on the relevant document's type.

Transfers of real estate are subject to a real estate transfer tax calculated at a rate of 4 percent of the transfer value. Such amount is split equally between the buyer and the seller.


State duty and pension duty are applicable to certain transactions such as the sale of real estate, vehicles and some other transactions.

United Arab Emirates

A Real Estate Transfer Fee (RETF) is applicable to transfer of real property at rates which differ per Emirate. In Dubai, the total RETF is 4 percent and is equally shared between seller and buyer. The rates in most other Emirates are lower than in Dubai.

United Kingdom

No capital duty. Stamp duty is payable at 0.50 percent on transfers of shares, but there is an exemption for most transactions within groups, and for transfers of shares in companies which are listed on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM).

Transfers of real estate within the UK are subject to a transfer tax. However, the specific tax and the applicable rate depends upon which part of the country the real estate is situated in.

England and Northern Ireland (SDLT) – if the property is situated in England or Northern Ireland, rates of up to 5 percent apply on the transfer of non-residential property. Higher graduated rates apply to the transfer of residential property of up to 12 percent, where the value of the property exceeds GBP1,500,000 and a punitive 15 percent rate can apply to certain acquisitions of residential property by corporate entities. Higher rates of SDLT also apply to purchases of additional residential properties and purchases of residential properties by companies (3 percent above the normal graduated rates of SDLT). A further 2 percent surcharge applies on the purchase of residential properties by non-resident buyers.

Scotland (LBTT) – if the property is situated in Scotland, rates of up to 5 percent apply for non-residential property and higher graduated rates apply to the transfer of residential property of up to 12 percent, where the value of the property exceeds GBP750,000. A further 6 percent above the normal LBTT rate applies to purchases of additional residential properties in Scotland where the transaction completed on or after December 16, 2022 (where completion was before that date, the rate is 4 percent).

Wales (LTT) – if the property is situated in Wales, rates of up to 6 percent apply for non-residential property and higher graduated rates apply to the transfer of residential property of up to 12 percent, where the value of the property exceeds GBP1.5 million. A further 4 percent above the normal LTT rate applies to purchases of additional residential properties in Wales.

United States

There is no capital duty. Stamp duties and transfer taxes may be imposed at the state or local level.


Capital Gains Tax is tax payable upon the sale or disposal of a capital/specified asset.

Land and building transactions are subject to stamp duty payable by the purchaser at the standard rate ranging between 1 percent and 4 percent.

An intermediated money transfer tax (IMTT) of 2 percent is levied on any electronic transaction done in Zimbabwe Dollars (ZWL). Any transaction exceeding equivalent in ZWL of USD500,000 has a maximum tax of USD10,150 (at the Interbank Rate) payable in ZWL. IMTT of 1 percent is levied on any electronic transaction done in USD. Any transaction exceeding USD500,000 has a maximum tax of USD10,150 payable in USD.