  • Residence and basis for taxation

    In Argentina coexist 3 levels of taxation: federal, provincial (state) and municipal level.

    An entity is deemed resident for tax purposes when it is incorporated in Argentina under the laws of Argentina. An Argentine individual is considered a tax resident unless they lose their tax residence status by choice, obtain legal residence in other country or by fact, when the individual is outside the country for at least a 12-month period, with certain exemptions.


    Local entities and resident individuals are subject to income tax on domestic and foreign source income.


    Non-resident entities or individuals are taxed on income of Argentine source. The tax applicable is the income tax that comprises corporate earnings and capital gains. In general, a local resident paying to a foreign entity or individual is obliged to withhold income tax. The withholding rate varies in connection with the type of payment. 

    Permanent establishments are taxed as local entities on income attributable to the permanent establishment.

    Income tax on indirect transfer

    Income tax on an indirect transfer may apply if a non-resident entity is transferred provided that at least 30 percent of value of the entity is represented by assets located in Argentina and provided that the transferor owns at least 10 percent of the capital of such entity.

  • Taxable income


    In general, the taxable income in the income tax for resident entities and resident individuals is equal to gross earnings minus deductions. In general, all expenses incurred to obtain, maintain and preserve taxable income are deductible unless expressly forbidden.


    Non-resident entities and individuals are taxed on income of Argentine source by way of income tax. The local resident paying to a foreign entity or individual is obliged to withhold the income tax at a 35-percent (or 15-percent for some gains as capital gains) tax rate applied on a presumption of taxable income that varies in connection with the concept by which the payment is made. The presumption of taxable income can be from 35 percent up to 100 percent of the amounts paid.

    For incomes connected to the transfer of shares, bonds or titles, or incomes connected with the rental of real estate or the transfer of assets located in Argentina owned by a non-resident, the non-resident individual or entity is entitled to choose to apply the presumption of income or to present evidence of all the expenses incurred and deduct those expenses from the gross amount to be paid.

  • Tax rates


    Local entities are subject to an income tax rate of 30 percent for the fiscal year 2020 and 25 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.

    In general, local individuals are taxed at a progressive tax rate that goes from 5 percent to 35 percent, except for earnings with a fixed tax rate. Those are the following:

    • For local individuals, the transfer of sovereign bonds or any title is taxed at a 5-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos, or 15-percent income tax rate if a share of a corporation is transferred, or if the title or sovereign bond is issued in Argentine pesos with an adjustment clause or in foreign currency except an exemption results applicable.
    • The transfer of real estate by a local individual is taxed at a rate of 1 percent of income tax.  


    In general, non-resident entities and individuals are taxed at an income tax rate of 35 percent applied on the presumption of taxable income with effective tax rates of 12.5 percent up to 31.5 percent (see Taxable Incomes). Some concepts are not taxed at the general 35-percent tax rate and are taxed to a specific tax rate.

    • Transfer of sovereign bonds or any title (public or private) is taxed at a 5-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos, or 15-percent income tax rate if the title is issued in Argentine pesos with adjustment clause, or in foreign currency except an exemption results applicable. The transfer of shares of a local corporation is taxed at a 15-percent income tax rate. This assumes that the foreign beneficiary is in a jurisdiction considered as cooperative for tax purposes. 
    • Dividends paid to a non-resident individual or entity are taxed at a 7-percent tax rate for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.
    • The applicable tax rates can be lower if a double taxation treaty is applicable.
  • Tax compliance

    Local entities and individuals are obliged to fill tax returns at the federal, state and municipal level depending on their activities. Tax returns must be filled on a monthly or yearly basis depending on the tax.

    Information regimes are applicable to certain activities. Advance payment regimes are applicable for some taxes.

  • Alternative minimum tax

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

  • Tax holidays, rulings and incentives

    Tax holidays

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

    Tax rulings

    In some cases, taxpayers are entitled to present to the tax authorities a request for a ruling on a specific case. The ruling is binding for the consultant.

    Tax incentives

    There are tax incentives at the federal, state and municipal level which target specific activities, such as renewables and software services and development.

  • Consolidation

    Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

  • Participation exemption

    Argentina tax legislation does not provide for a participation exemption.

    Dividends paid by a local entity to another local entity are exempt from income tax. Dividends are only taxed when distributed to a local individual or to a foreign entity or individual.

  • Capital gain

    Capital gains are taxed by the income tax.

    Domestic and foreign, see Taxable income and Tax rates.

    Income tax on indirect transfer

    Income tax on indirect transfer may apply if a non-resident entity is transferred provided that at least 30 percent of value of the entity is represented by assets located in Argentina and provided that the transferor owns at least 10 percent of the capital of such entity. When the transfer is carried on intragroup, the income tax on indirect transfer is not applicable.

  • Distributions

    Distributions are taxed as dividends. Regardless of the tax residence of the recipient, dividends are taxed at a 7-percent tax rate for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of the fiscal year 2021.

    Domestic and foreign, see Taxable income and Tax rates.

  • Loss utilization

    Losses can be carried forward and can be offset with future profits for a 5-year period.

    Losses considered to be of Argentine source can be offset only with profits considered to be of Argentine source. Losses considered to be of foreign source can only be an offset of foreign-source profits.

  • Tax-free reorganizations

    In Argentina, it is possible to carry on an intragroup reorganization with no tax effects. Mergers, spinoffs or partial spinoffs are exempted from income tax, VAT and turnover tax if certain requirements are met.

    Income tax on indirect transfers can also be carried on with no tax costs if it is an intragroup transfer.

  • Anti-deferral rules

    According to CFC rules, the profits of a foreign entity directly or indirectly owned by a local entity or individual should be declared and taxed in the fiscal year of accrual in the following cases:

    • Trusts: When the trust is revocable, when the settlor is also the beneficiary or when the resident individual or entity has full control of the trust
    • When the foreign entity is not considered a tax resident of the jurisdiction where it is incorporated
    • When:
      • The local individual or entity directly or indirectly owns at least 50 percent of the capital of the foreign entity
      • The foreign entity does not have sufficient structure to carry on its business or when at least 50 percent of the profits of the foreign entity are passive income
      • The taxes paid by the foreign entity in the country where it is incorporated are less than the 25 percent of the income tax that would be payable in Argentina (this requirement is deemed as occurred if the entity is incorporated in a non-cooperative jurisdiction).
  • Foreign tax credits

    Subject to conditions and limitations, foreign tax credits are available for foreign income taxes paid.

  • Special rules applicable to real property

    Domestic and foreign

    When a local entity or a non-resident individual or entity sells or transfers real estate property located in Argentina, income tax is triggered.

    For resident individuals, if the real estate property that is being transferred has been acquired by the seller before January 1, 2018, no income tax is applicable, and the local individual must pay a special tax on transfer of real estate property.

    There is the possibility of a tax deferral on the income tax applicable to the sale of a real estate property using a sale and replacement mechanism.

  • Transfer pricing

    Argentine transfer pricing rules apply to transactions between an Argentine party and a foreign related entity or any entity domiciled in a tax haven jurisdiction, a jurisdiction considered as non-cooperative, or that is subject to a privileged tax regime.

    Argentine transfer pricing rules follow arm's-length rule and follow the OECD guidelines with some divergences.

  • Withholding tax

    (see Taxable income and Tax rates.)


    Payments made by banks and financial institutions to local entities or individuals in the case of interests on bank deposits or financial investments are subject to income tax withholding.

    Dividends paid by a local entity to a local individual are subject to income tax withholding. The tax rate applicable is 7 percent for the fiscal year 2020 and 13 percent as of FY 2021.


    Non-resident entities or individuals are taxed on their income considered to be of Argentine source.

    The local payer is obliged to withhold the income tax at the time of the payment. Tax rates and presumptions of taxable income vary in connection with the type of payment made.

    Tax treaties may reduce or eliminate withholding of income tax.

  • Capital duty, stamp duty and transfer tax

    Capital gains are taxed by the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).

    Stamp duty or stamp tax is a provincial tax triggered by the entering of written agreements signed by both parties. The tax rate applicable varies in connection with the province and in connection with the agreement. Tax rates are of 0.2 percent up to 5 percent of the total amount of the agreement.

    There are legal mechanisms to avoid the payment of stamp tax by entering into an agreement as an offering letter.

    Transfers of shares, assets and real estate property are taxed under the income tax (see Taxable income and Tax rates.).

  • Employment taxes

    Employers must withhold income tax and social security contributions. Employers also must pay their share of social security contributions. These taxes are deductible by an employer for Argentine income tax purposes.

  • Other tax considerations

    Provincial taxes - Turnover tax

    Turnover tax or gross income tax is a tax collected by the province. The taxable event is the performance of commercial or industrial activity in the territory of the province. Tax rates can be 0.5 percent up to 6 percent in connection with the activity applied on the gross income. Some activities are charged with higher tax rates, such as online gambling, which is taxed at a 15-percent tax rate in the Province of Buenos Aires.

    In some provinces, turnover tax is also applicable to the import of digital services.

    Every province has its own turnover tax. However, the turnover tax collected by each province is similar, although different tax treatments may be applicable for certain activities.

    Tax benefits

    For some activities, there are special tax benefits at the federal level and provincial level.

    There are tax benefits for an investment in renewable energy, software production and services, investments in capital assets, biodiesel fuel and mining.

    The benefits may include partial or full exemptions, accelerated depreciation and drawback.

    VAT on the import of digital services

    The federal government collects VAT on the importation of digital B2C services. The taxpayer is the local resident unless the service provider has a fixed place in the Argentina. The tax rate is 21 percent.

    PAIS Tax

    The PAIS tax is applicable to the purchase of foreign currency by resident individuals. It is also applicable when a local individual pays for services to a foreign entity using their credit/debit cards. The tax rate is 30 percent, or 8 percent when the service being paid is already taxed with the VAT on digital services.

    Double taxation treaties

    Argentina has signed tax treaties with Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, the UK, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland (all in force), and Japan, Luxembourg, Turkey, China, and Qatar (signed but not yet in force).

  • Key contacts
    Augusto Nicolás Mancinelli
    Augusto Nicolás Mancinelli
    Partner DLA Piper (Argentina) [email protected] T +5411 41145500 View bio

Other tax considerations


Provincial taxes - Turnover tax

Turnover tax or gross income tax is a tax collected by the province. The taxable event is the performance of commercial or industrial activity in the territory of the province. Tax rates can be 0.5 percent up to 6 percent in connection with the activity applied on the gross income. Some activities are charged with higher tax rates, such as online gambling, which is taxed at a 15-percent tax rate in the Province of Buenos Aires.

In some provinces, turnover tax is also applicable to the import of digital services.

Every province has its own turnover tax. However, the turnover tax collected by each province is similar, although different tax treatments may be applicable for certain activities.

Tax benefits

For some activities, there are special tax benefits at the federal level and provincial level.

There are tax benefits for an investment in renewable energy, software production and services, investments in capital assets, biodiesel fuel and mining.

The benefits may include partial or full exemptions, accelerated depreciation and drawback.

VAT on the import of digital services

The federal government collects VAT on the importation of digital B2C services. The taxpayer is the local resident unless the service provider has a fixed place in the Argentina. The tax rate is 21 percent.


The PAIS tax is applicable to the purchase of foreign currency by resident individuals. It is also applicable when a local individual pays for services to a foreign entity using their credit/debit cards. The tax rate is 30 percent, or 8 percent when the service being paid is already taxed with the VAT on digital services.

Double taxation treaties

Argentina has signed tax treaties with Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, the UK, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland (all in force), and Japan, Luxembourg, Turkey, China, and Qatar (signed but not yet in force).


Anti-avoidance regime and OECD BEPS-related developments

Australia has a general tax anti-avoidance regime. The regime empowers the Commissioner to deny a tax benefit if, where a taxpayer obtains a tax benefit in connection with a scheme, the tax benefit would not have arisen without the scheme, and under an objective test there was a dominant purpose of entering into the scheme to obtain the tax benefit.

In an effort to tackle multinational anti-avoidance, Australia's general tax anti-avoidance regime was amended with the introduction of the Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law (MAAL) which was operative from January 1, 2016. The MAAL applies to multinational entities with an annual global income of AUD1 billion or more and is targeted at multinational entities entering into contrived arrangements to avoid a taxable presence in Australia.

Further, Australia's general tax anti-avoidance regime was amended with the introduction of the Diverted Profits Tax (DPT), which applied from July 1, 2017. The DPT is targeted at multinational entities with an annual global income of AUD1 billion or more that have entered into contrived arrangements to shift taxable profits out of Australia.

Under Australia's domestic law, protection under DTAs is not available for Australia's general tax anti-avoidance rules, which include the MAAL and DPT.

In addition, the Australian Government has introduced rules targeting hybrid mismatches, which has generally applied from January 1, 2019. These rules are generally in line with OECD's BEPS Action 2, with certain modifications including a specific integrity rule targeting interposed entity structures.

OECD Pillars One and Two

The OECD and the G20 Inclusive Framework have been directing their efforts to address various tax challenges arising from digitalization by introducing a Two-Pillar Solution:  

  • Pillar One: aims to ensure fairer distribution of profits and taxing rights among countries over the largest multinational enterprises. Pillar One is essentially focused on the reallocation of the consolidated profit of multinational enterprises to market jurisdictions where their users and customers are located, as well as the standardization of the remuneration of routine marketing and distribution activities; and
  • Pillar Two: aims to impose a floor on tax competition on corporate income tax by introducing a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent

The Australian government has indicated that it intends to implement the OECD’s Two-Pillar Solution. The implementation of Pillar One in Australia will be guided by the OECD’s progress on the multilateral convention; however, the government would have to introduce domestic legislation to implement Pillar Two. The Government has announced that it will introduce rules from:

  • January 1, 2024 for the Income Inclusion Rule and the Domestic Minimum Tax; and
  • January 1, 2025 for the Under-Taxed Payment Rule.

Thin capitalization

In the 2022 federal budget, the Australian government announced several measures to tighten Australia’s thin capitalization rules by:

  • Replacing the current safe-harbor test limit with a test limiting debt deductions up to 30 percent of EBITDA. Any debt deductions denied under the 30-percent EBITDA test can be carried forward and claimed in a subsequent income year (for up to 15 years);

  • Replacing the current worldwide gearing test with a test limiting debt deductions (for an entity in a group) up to the level of the worldwide group’s net interest expense as a share of earnings (which may exceed the 30-percent EBITDA ratio); and

  • Amending the arm’s-length debt test so it is only available for an entity’s external (3rd-party) debt – this test will no longer be available for related party debt.

The proposed changes would apply to income years commencing on or after July 1, 2023, however the draft legislation has not yet been finalized by the Government.

Deductions of payments for intangibles

As part of the 2022 federal budget, the government also announced the introduction of a new rule limiting multinational enterprises’ ability to claim deductions for certain payments to related parties in relation to intangibles held in low or no tax jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are those with:

  • A tax rate of less than 15 percent or
  • A tax preferential patent box regime without sufficient economic substance.

The measures will have application to payments made on or after July 1, 2023; however, no draft legislation has been introduced into Parliament at this time.

Tax transparency

The Australian Government confirmed that it will introduce additional reporting requirements for certain types of taxpayers, increasing the level of tax related information they are required to publicly disclose:

  • “Significant global entities” (broadly, those with global annual income of AUD1 billion or more) will be required to release to the public certain tax information on a country-by-country basis, including their approach to taxation. The precise details of the required information has not yet been announced
  • Australian public companies (both listed and unlisted) will be required to disclose information regarding the number and tax domicile of their subsidiaries
  • Entities tendering for Australian government contracts with a value of more than AUD200,000 will be required to disclose their country of tax domicile

These measures are to apply from July 1, 2023.


Employers must make superannuation contributions to their employees' nominated super fund, at the rate prescribed by the relevant legislation. The current superannuation rates for the years ended June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2024 are 10.5 and 11 percent respectively.

Workers' compensation

Employers are required to take out insurance with an approved insurer covering the employer's full liability for workers' compensation as well as damages.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

GST is a form of value added tax (VAT). It applies at a rate of 10 percent to taxable supplies of goods, services and other things that are connected with Australia.

From July 1, 2017, GST has applied to inbound intangible supplies made to Australian Consumers, but GST will not usually apply if the same inbound intangible supply is instead made to an Australian business. This reform is referred to as the "Netflix Tax."

From July 1, 2018, GST has applied to inbound supplies of goods with a value of less than AUD1,000 which are made to Australian Consumers. This may capture online sales of goods made by non-residents to Australian consumers where the goods are shipped directly to Australian customers.

From July 1, 2019, offshore sellers of Australian commercial accommodation (including online sellers) are required to include sales of Australian accommodation in their GST turnover. Where the GST turnover totals AUD45,000 or move in a 2-month period, the offshore sells are required to register for, charge and pay GST.


Digital services tax

In 2020 a digital tax of 5 percent on online advertising for large companies was introduced in Austria.

Online advertising services are subject to the digital tax if they are provided for remuneration by online advertising providers in Austria and only for large multinational companies with a worldwide revenue of at least EUR750 million and a yearly domestic revenue at least EUR25 million.

Advertising tax

The purpose of the Advertising Tax Act is to tax advertising services in print media, radio and outdoor advertising at 5 percent of direct remuneration. A prerequisite for the obligation to pay the tax is an advertising service which is provided in Austria against payment. Advertising on the Internet on homepages, Web TV or Web radio is exempt from the advertising tax.

Inheritance and gift tax

There is no inheritance and gift tax in Austria.

Excise taxes

Excise taxes are for example imposed on petroleum, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.


Under the Austrian VAT law, companies and individuals, independently carrying out an active business on a permanent basis are qualified as entrepreneurs for VAT purposes. Non-residents may also be subject to VAT if they carry out taxable transactions in Austria.

Under the provisions of the Austrian Value Added Tax Act (VATA), the following transactions are taxable:

  • The supply of goods and services within Austria for a consideration by taxable persons within the scope of their business;
  • The withdrawal of goods and rendering of services for the taxable person himself (self-supply);
  • The import of goods from a country outside the EU;
  • Intra-Community acquisitions of goods.

VAT place of supply

A supply of goods is deemed to have taken place within Austria if the goods were located in Austria at the point at which the power of disposition was transferred. In the case of the dispatch or transport of supplies of goods, the supply is deemed to have been made from the point at which the goods are handed over to the forwarding agent.

The place of supply primarily depends on whether the supply is made to a taxable person (B2B) or to a non-taxable person (B2C). For supplies of services to taxable persons, the general rule is that the place of supply of services should be the place where the recipient is established (B2B general rule). Services supplied to nontaxable persons should be taxed at the place where the supplier has established its business (B2C general rule). However, there are numerous exceptions to these general rules.

VAT rate

In general, an Austrian VAT rate of 20 percent exists. A certain limited range of goods and services is taxed at the reduced rate of 10 percent (eg, books, food, restaurants, passenger transportation, medicine, hotel accommodation) or 13 percent (eg, animals, seeds and plants, cultural services, museums, zoos, film screenings, wood, ex-vineyard sales of wines, domestic air travel, public pools, youth care, athletic events). Certain other transactions are exempted from Austrian VAT (eg, export transactions).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Austrian government has announced and already introduced several measures, including VAT reductions, to strengthen the economy. This includes a reduction of the VAT rate for certain supplies of respirators and COVID vaccine from 20 percent to 0 percent, reduced VAT rate of 5 percent for supplies of all food and beverages in restaurants and other catering establishments, access to museums, cinemas, or musical events, and supplies in the publishing sector and hotels until December 31, 2021.

VAT exemptions

The numerous exemptions from VAT can be classified in 2 categories, depending on whether or not they preclude the deduction of input VAT.

The following supplies of goods and services are VAT exempt (with the loss of input VAT recovery): health services, financial, banking and insurance services, securities and share transactions, sales of immovable property, unless the taxable person opts to pay VAT, and supplies of small businesses (up to EUR35,000 net per annum).

Input VAT Deduction

Entrepreneurs are entitled to deduct Austrian input VAT insofar as the input VAT does not result from goods/services purchased that are directly linked to certain VAT-exempt categories as mentioned above. To be entitled to deduct input VAT, the entrepreneur must obtain an invoice from one's supplier that fulfills certain formal requirements.

Reverse Charge

Under the reverse charge system, the VAT liability of a non-resident business is shifted to the recipient of the supply. The reverse charge system applies to all supplies of services, installation supplies of goods rendered by nonresident taxable persons in Austria.

VAT Filling

The monthly/quarterly VAT return must be submitted until the 15th of the 2nd month following the month/quarter concerned. The Annual VAT return must be filed until June 30 of the following year if filed electronically. If represented by a tax advisor, an extension until March 31 of the 2nd year following the year concerned might be granted within the quota agreement, althoughearlier filing may be requested by the Austrian tax authorities.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Contribution for intervention in the economic domain (CIDE)

The contribution is due for payments made in connection with:

License agreements

  • Acquisition of technological know-how or
  • Agreements involving cross-border transfer of technology

CIDE also applies to the cross-border provision of technical services, administrative assistance and other similar services that do not involve the transfer of technology.

CIDE is generally imposed at a 10 percent rate over the total amount paid, credited, delivered or remitted abroad to non-resident beneficiaries.

Welfare contributions on gross revenues (PIS/COFINS)

The Contribution to the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Contribution to Finance Social Security (COFINS) are welfare contributions that are levied over a taxpayer's gross revenue. Currently, there are 2 methods of calculating PIS/COFINS, the cumulative and non-cumulative methods.

The cumulative method is applicable to cooperative organizations, immune or exempt entities companies, financial institutions, insurance companies and taxpayers that accrue the corporate income tax in accordance with the deemed profits method. Under such method, the PIS shall apply at a 0.65 percent rate, whereas the COFINS will apply at a 3 percent rate.

The non-cumulative method is applicable to most legal entities. The main purpose of this legislation is to avoid the cascading effect of the welfare contributions by granting tax credits that can be offset with PIS/COFINS payable amounts. Currently, PIS and COFINS apply at a combined rate of 9.25 percent, with PIS at 1.65 percent and COFINS at 7.6 percent.

The taxpayer is entitled to calculate tax credits over the following expenses:

  • Acquisition of goods for resale
  • Inputs (ie, goods and/or services) that are deemed as necessary and essential for the maintenance of the taxpayer's activities
  • Acquisition of electric energy
  • Payment of leases related to buildings, machinery and equipment
  • Lease expenses derived from leasing transactions (arrendamento mercantil)
  • Acquisition or manufacture of machinery and equipment to be leased to 3rd parties, or used in the manufacture of products intended for sale, and/or for incorporation as a fixed asset
  • Buildings and betterments in 3rd-party real estate property to be used in the company's operations Storage and freight costs, incurred in sale transactions, supported by the seller
  • Meal coupons, transportation and uniforms provided to employees by a company that engages in cleaning, conservation and maintenance services and
  • Intangible assets, acquired for the utilization in the manufacture of goods destined for sale or in the rendering of service

Furthermore, PIS and COFINS shall not apply to:

  • Revenues resulting from export transactions of goods and services, whose payment represents an inflow of foreign capital into Brazil.
  • Revenues derived from domestic sales by trading companies (empresas comerciais exportadoras) with specific export purposes.

Financial revenues are subject to a rate of 4.65 percent, with PIS at 0.65 percent and COFINS at 4 percent.

The concept of "gross revenues" for the calculation of the PIS and COFINS under the cumulative system has been changed under legislation. Accordingly, "gross revenues" for such purposes is defined as:

  • The results of the sale of goods and provision of services.
  • The result of operations on behalf of 3rd parties.
  • Revenues derived from taxpayer's main activity that are not comprised as retail of goods and provision of services.

It is important to note that the Brazilian Tax Reform focused on Consumption (Indirect Taxes) was approved and, according to the final text, PIS and COFINS will be replaced by CBS. The rates of the CBS will be defined by the federal government, as well as the triggering event and taxpayer, which is why we must wait for the new rules to see if there will be effects on the operation. Furthermore, there will be a transition phase, which will last until 2027, and during this period PIS and COFINS will be gradually reduced, giving way to CBS.

PIS and COFINS over import transactions (PIS/COFINS-import)

PIS and COFINS are also charged on import transactions of goods and services. As a general rule, in respect of the importation of goods, PIS shall apply at a 2.1 percent rate and COIFNS at a 9.65 percent rate. Whereas, in respect of the importation of services, PIS shall apply at a 1.65 percent rate, and COFINS at a 7.6 percent rate.

Please note that the importation of certain goods, such as pharmaceuticals, are taxed at specific tax rates. In addition, with respect to certain import transactions, a COFINS 1 percent surcharge may apply.

The tax basis shall be the customs value of the imported goods or the amount charged for the service by the foreign contractor.

Taxpayers that are subject to the PIS/COFINS under the non-cumulative system are allowed to accrue tax credits from the PIS and COFINS paid on their imports and offset them against the PIS and COFINS accrued over their respective gross revenue.

It is important to note that the Brazilian Tax Reform focused on Consumption (Indirect Taxes) was approved and, according to the final text, PIS/COFINS-import will be replaced by CBS.

Federal excise tax (IPI)

IPI is a Federal value-added tax, which applies to manufactured products, either to their importation or manufacture in Brazil. IPI rates may vary depending on the type of product and whether it is regarded as essential.

According to the final wording of the Brazilian Tax Reform focused on Consumption (Indirect Taxes), IPI will not be extinguished, but rates will be reduced to zero in 2027, except for goods manufactured in Manaus Free Trade Zone maintained to promote the Manaus Free Trade Zone. However, the Tax Reform will create an excise tax (IS)  applicable over the production, commercialization and importation of goods and services harmful to human health and the environment, as defined in specific law. Furthermore, it can be applied with other taxes. There will be a transition phase, which will last until 2033.

Import duty (II)

II is due upon customs clearance of imported products on an ad valorem basis. The rate varies, depending on the tariff classification of the product imported.

As mentioned above, import transactions are also subject to the PIS/COFINS-import and to the IPI. Import transactions are also taxed by the State VAT (ICMS). These taxes, along with II, are calculated as follows:

  • The II and the PIS/COFINS-import are imposed over the good's customs value (ie, CIF value)

  • The IPI is levied on the CIF value plus II.
  • The ICMS is levied on the CIF value plus II, IPI and ICMS itself.

IE applies to the export of certain listed goods and the tax is calculated on an ad valorem basis. The tax rate varies depending on the type of product exported.

Financial transaction tax (IOF)

The IOF applies to several types of transactions such as credit, exchange, insurance, loans, as well as on transactions involving gold, financial asset or securities. IOF rates and basis vary depending on the nature of the transaction. IOF over exchange transactions are expected to sunset by 2029.

State VAT on sales and services (ICMS)

Similar to the IPI, the ICMS is another value-added tax on sales, communication and transportation services, payable upon the importation of a product into Brazil, the sale of a good in the Brazilian market, or upon the provision of certain communication and intrastate and interstate transportation services.

ICMS rates and tax benefits vary from State to State and depend on the type of transaction (eg, import, intrastate or interstate sale of goods, communication or transportation services, etc.).

The ICMS non-cumulative system permits a taxpayer to offset the ICMS paid in acquired goods and services against the ICMS due on subsequent taxable transactions (eg, sale of goods and services subject to ICMS tax). The difference is the amount due to the state government.

Note that State ICMS legislation may attribute the responsibility to pay the ICMS to a legal entity that, although it did not perform the relevant taxable transaction per se, had an indirect relation to it. An example is the responsibility for paying the ICMS attributed to electricity generator or distributors on 1 or more operations, from production or importation until the end consumer.

Specific rules apply to operations with hydrocarbons, such as oil, lubricants and natural gas.

The Brazilian Tax Reform focused on Consumption (Indirect Taxes) replaced ICMS by IBS. The new tax will apply over transactions with physical or intangible goods, including rights, and services and will have the same triggering events, calculation basis and taxpayers. In addition, IBS will go through a period of transition, which will start in 2029 for IBS. Finally, under the new taxation model, no incentives can be granted, except those allowed by Constitution. The bill presents the possibility of applying reduced rates to several industries such as education services, health services, medical devices, public transport services, artistic productions and agricultural inputs.

Estate and gift tax (ITCMD)

ITCMD is a state tax that is levied on the transmission of movable or immovable assets as a result of donation or in the event of the death of the owner. As a general rule, ITCMD is subject to rates varying from 4 percent to 8 percent, depending on the state, over the fair value of the movable asset, real estate or transmitted rights.

Tax on services (ISS)

ISS is a municipal tax that applies to the price charged for the provision of certain listed services. Rates vary from 2 percent to 5 percent, depending on the type of service and the particular municipality in which the party rendering the services is located.

The ISS shall also apply to the importation of services. In such circumstances, each municipality may set forth in the relevant municipal legislation that the contracting parties located in Brazil are liable for collecting the relevant tax.

The ISS shall not apply to the exportation of services, except over those developed in Brazil and whose results also occur in Brazil, even if the contracting party is a foreign resident.

The Brazilian Tax Reform focused on Consumption (Indirect Taxes) replaced ISS by IBS. The new tax will apply over transactions with physical or intangible goods, including rights, and services and will have the same triggering events, calculation basis and taxpayers. In addition, IBS will go through a period of transition, which will start in 2029 for IBS. Finally, under the new taxation model, no incentives can be granted, except those allowed by Constitution. The bill presents the possibility of applying reduced rates to several industries such as education services, health services, medical devices, public transport services, artistic productions and agricultural inputs.

Real estate property tax (IPTU)

Export tax (IE)

IPTU is a municipal tax levied annually, at progressive rates according to the appraised value and use of the real estate, and over the ownership, possession and use of urban realty.

Real estate transfer tax (ITBI)

ITBI is a municipal tax on the transfer of real estate. The rates may vary according to the actual value of the transaction or the appraised value of the property, whichever is higher.

Individual income taxation (IRPF)

Brazilian tax legislation distinguishes individual residents from non-residents. As mentioned above, a Brazilian national is automatically a resident while legally domiciled in Brazil or, if not domiciled in Brazil, upon their election to be treated as a resident for tax purposes.

In general, resident individuals are subject to tax on their worldwide income, regardless of nationality (universal taxation), while non-residents are generally subject to tax in Brazil only on Brazilian source income (limited taxation).

A foreign individual will be considered to be a tax resident in Brazil when:

  • Admitted to the country under a permanent visa or
  • Admitted to the country under a temporary visa, and
  • Under an employment relationship for purposes of Brazilian law, on the day such relationship is established or
  • Upon completing 184 days, consecutive or not, of physical presence in Brazil within a 12-month period.

The duration of the time period for this visa begins on the day the foreigner enters Brazil, independent of the calendar year. The days counted are only those days spent within the country, interrupted upon the moment they leave Brazil and recommenced if they return.

Tax residents are subject to income tax on worldwide income on a cash basis for each year, even if the income is generated abroad. An individual income tax return should be filed by the last business day of April to report income received in the previous year, with no extensions.

Brazil has a different set of rules for ordinary income, capital gains, income received from abroad and from individuals and income from financial products.

Ordinary income is subject to progressive rates ranging from 7.5 percent up to 27.5 percent.

Compensation received from a Brazilian company for services provided under an employment relationship or as an individual contractor is subject to WHT at monthly progressive rates also ranging from 7.5 percent up to 27.5 percent, depending on the amount of income perceived.

In the annual income tax return, the taxpayer must report all ordinary income received from all Brazilian payment sources on a consolidated basis. Consolidated ordinary income will be subject to income tax at the progressive rates mentioned above. Because each payment source calculates WHT separately, without taking into account the taxpayer's overall income and bracket, the taxpayer might be required to make an additional tax payment upon filing of the annual income tax return.

Capital gains resulting from the disposition of assets and other rights, including investments in the capital markets (ie, disposition of stocks, commodities and other rights) are subject to income tax at capital gains, at rates varying from 15 percent up to 22.5 percent.

Income received from paying sources located abroad and from individuals in Brazil are subject to a mandatory monthly tax payment (Carnê Leão), which is due at the same progressive tax rates applicable to ordinary income mentioned above. The tax must be collected until the last business day of the following month.

Financial income from Brazilian sources is subject to a final withholding tax system performed by the financial institution. Tax rates shall vary according to the type of investment and also on the term under which it was made.

Brazil provides double taxation relief through a foreign tax credit system applicable to income tax paid to countries with which Brazil has entered into a tax treaty or on a reciprocity basis when the source country also grants a foreign tax credit for taxes paid in Brazil on Brazilian source income. The Brazilian tax authorities have agreed on a reciprocity basis with certain non-treaty countries, such as United States, Germany and United Kingdom (UK has signed a treaty which has not yet been ratified by Brazil’s Congress).


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Municipal Tax

The carrying on of any business is levied with a Municipal Tax in Chile (although there are some specific exemptions) at the level of the entity conducting such business.

Municipal Tax payment is calculated annually and is payable in 2 installments each year. The rate depends on address and municipality, but it can vary from 0.0025 to 0.005 percent of the tax equity, determined the previous year (equity calculated for tax law purposes). In any case, municipal tax has a minimum payment of approximately USD65 and a maximum limit of approximately USD470,000.

Inheritance, gift and estate taxes

The Inheritance Tax contemplates a progressive rate of up to 25 percent, considering in certain cases surcharges or exempted amounts. The Donation Tax has the same progressive rate; however, its surcharges and exemptions have different conditions and lower ceilings.


On February 4, 2022, came into force the Law N° 21,420, which "Reduces or Eliminates the Tax Exemptions indicated" modifying 9 legal bodies with different particular effective dates. Among other changes, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Single tax rate of 10 percent on capital gains of transfer of publicly traded debt instruments (securities) or shares (in force in 6 months as of publication of the mentioned law).
  2. Transitory reduction for 2 years and subsequent elimination of the Special VAT Credit for Construction Companies (CEEC).
  3. Elimination of the tax benefits for the 3rd home from now on, for those who have acquired DFL 2 homes before 2011.
  4. Affectation of VAT to all services, except for health, education, and transportation sectors, and for all taxpayers who issue fee receipts.
  5. Inheritance tax for life insurances, which will affect all benefits obtained under life insurance contracts executed since the publication of the referred law.


R&D expenses may have a bonus deduction, including R&D service fees paid to a foreign R&D service provider.


Equity tax

The latest version of the equity tax (Law 2010, 2019) levied Colombian tax resident individuals and non-tax residents that held a net equity equal to or exceeding COP5,000,000,000 as of January 1, 2020 for fiscal years 2020 and 2021.

Non-tax residents’ individuals are subject to equity tax only with respect to its assets held in Colombia unless they have a permanent establishment in the country. In that case, the non-tax resident could be subject to equity tax with respect to the net equity attributable to it.

According to the Law 2010, 2019 foreign entities were levied with this tax in respect to its assets located in Colombia different to shares, receivable accounts, and portfolio investments.

As of 2022 no equity tax is applied; however, it could be re-introduced as from 2023.


Value added tax – VAT

VAT is an indirect national tax applicable on:

  • Sales and imports of tangible goods.

  • Provision of services in Colombia or from abroad (if the beneficiary is located in Colombia).

  • Sale or transfer of rights over certain intangibles associated with industrial property.

  • Gambling activities (except of those operated online).

Generally, VAT’s taxable base is the price of the goods or services, and the tax rate is 19 percent. However, there is a special taxable base and/or a special tax rate (5 percent or 0 percent) for certain goods or services.

Usually, a taxpayer may reduce input VAT by offsetting it against output VAT.

Foreign suppliers providing services, including digital services, rendered in Colombia to Colombian recipients that are not VAT responsible (eg, individuals) must generally register with the Colombian Tax Office and account for VAT on their supplies.

Consumption tax

National consumption tax is levied on the following services

  • Mobile phone, internet and mobile navigation services, with a 4 percent rate.

  • Sale of certain vehicles, aircraft, and other goods, with a rate of 8 percent or 16 percent.

  • Restaurant and cafeteria services with an 8 percent rate, provided that these services are not rendered under a franchise agreement (restaurant franchise services are levied with VAT). According to Law 2155, 2021, Consumption Tax would not apply to bars and restaurants in 2022.

Turnover Tax – ICA

Local Tax on Industrial, Commercial and Service Activities Tax (“ICA”) levies the gross income generated from industrial, commercial, or service activities carried out in the corresponding municipality. The tax rates are between 0.2 percent and 1.4 percent.

50 percent of the ICA paid in a certain period can be used as a tax credit to offset the Corporate Income Tax or, alternatively, 100 percent can be used as a deductible expense.

SIMPLE Taxation Regime

Colombia provides for a voluntary simple tax regime for small businesses ("SIMPLE Taxation"). The SIMPLE tax replaces income tax, the consumption tax and the turnover tax, with a single, unified payment.

In order for a taxpayer to be able to access to the SIMPLE Taxation regime, among other requirements, gross annual income of the previous taxable year must be less than 100,000 UVT (In 2022, COP3,800,400,000).

The simple consolidated rate will depend on the annual gross income, as well as the business activity of each company. Tax rates range between 1.8% and 14.5% on the gross ordinary and extraordinary income accrued during the taxable year.

Taxpayers of the SIMPLE Taxation regime will not be subject to withholding income tax neither self-withholding, and shall not act as withholding agents except in the case of labor payments.


Not applicable.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

Hong Kong, SAR

Imports into Hong Kong are generally duty-free with few exceptions. No customs or excise duty is levied on exports from Hong Kong.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Service fees

Withholding tax on fees for technical or consultancy services applies to payments made to non-residents. Corresponding provisions of the relevant tax treaty may be examined to ascertain any relief or exemption.

Goods and Services Tax

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax that came into effect on July 1, 2017. GST is levied at every stage of production-distribution chain with applicable set off credits in respect of tax paid at previous stages. Goods and services are divided into 5 tax slabs for collection of tax - 0 percent, 5 percent, 12 percent, 18 percent and 28 percent with lower rates for essential items and the highest for luxury and de-merits goods. Petroleum products and alcoholic drinks are taxed separately by the individual state governments.

Any services offered by Indian resident to a person resident outside India are usually treated as "export of service" and are thus exempt from levy of GST which is otherwise taxable. This is subject to certain exceptions.

Following are the different types of levies in GST:

  • Central GST (CGST)
  • State GST (SGST)/Union Territory GST (UTGST)
  • Integrated GST(IGST)

SGST is levied along with CGST on the supply made by a registered person within a State and UTGST is levied along with CGST on the supply made by a registered person within a Union Territory. However, in no case, both SGST and UTGST are levied on an invoice of supply of goods or services or both. It is either be SGST or UTGST along with CGST which can be levied on the invoice. IGST can be levied on Import or Inter-State supply of goods or services or both. IGST is equivalent to sum total of CGST and SGST/UTGST.

Equalisation Levy

The Indian Government has introduced an equalization levy (EL) on consideration received by non-resident e-commerce operators for e-commerce supply or services at a rate of 2 percent with effect from April 1, 2020. “E-commerce supply or service” has been defined include online sale of goods or online provision of services or facilitation of online sale of goods or provision of service. The levy is triggered on consideration received by a non-resident e-commerce operator on an e-commerce transaction conducted by a person resident in India. Further, EL is also applicable on consideration received by the e-commerce operator from a non-resident for (i) sale of advertisement targeting an Indian resident or customer who has access to such advertisement through an internet protocol (IP) address located in India (ii) sale of data, collected from a person who is resident in India or from a person who uses internet protocol address located in India, and where a non-resident avails the supply of goods or services using an IP address located in India. Further EL is not applicable where the consideration is related to a permanent establishment in India.

Additionally, EL of 6 percent also applies to certain “specified services,” which refers to online advertisement, any provision for digital advertising space or any other facility or service for the purpose of online advertisement and includes any other service as may be notified by the Indian Government in this behalf. This EL of 6 percent would be applicable to any consideration for any specified service received or receivable by a non-resident from (i) a person resident in India and carrying on business or profession; or (ii) a non-resident having a permanent establishment in India.

EL does not apply to consideration received or receivable for specified services and for e-commerce supply or services which are taxable as royalty or fees for technical services in India under the Indian tax laws.

Where EL is deducted by the payer, income of the non-resident recipient is exempt from taxation under the Indian income tax.

Taxation of virtual digital assets (VDA)

Starting April 1, 2022, the Indian government levies tax on income arising from transfer of “virtual digital assets” (VDA) at the rate of 30 percent (plus surcharge and cess). VDAs include crypto-assets, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and other digital assets. No deduction for any expenses and losses are allowed except the cost of acquisition. Carry-forward of losses to succeeding years is also not allowed. Gifts of VDA are taxable in the hands of the recipient. Further, a tax withholding of 1 percent is also applicable on consideration paid to residents on transfer of VDA, subject to a monetary threshold.

Litigation and Dispute Management

Under the domestic tax laws, an option is provided to the income tax department to not file appeal before the appellate authorities where appeal (in its own case or other taxpayer) is already filed earlier on identical question of law, which is pending before the higher appellate authority. In such cases, the tax authorities are required to file an application with the relevant appellate authority for deferral of appeal filing until the identical question of law becomes final.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.



In addition to corporate income tax (IRES), local income tax is levied at the level of Italian corporations (ie, IRAP). IRAP is levied on the net value of the production generated in each Italian region, computed as the difference between revenues and production costs. Employment expenses (if not related to open-ended relationships), write-down of assets and other specific costs are not deductible. The IRAP tax rate is equal to 3.9 percent, but any region can decide to increase the tax rate up to 4.82 percent. Further increases in the rate are provided for specific business activities. IRAP is deductible from corporate income tax up to an amount of 10 percent of IRAP paid.

Specific IRAP provisions apply to banks and financial institutions.


The standard Consumption Tax rate is 10 percent, while the reduced rate (8 percent) applies to certain food and beverages and daily newspapers. In addition, as of October 1, 2023, the invoice system has been introduced, under which the qualified invoice issued by the qualified issuer is generally required to claim the input tax credit for taxable purchases.


Net Wealth Tax (NWT)

Both Luxembourg resident companies and Luxembourg branches of non-resident companies are subject to NWT. As of January 1, 2016, a new scale of rates has been introduced as follows:

  • 0.5 percent up to EUR500 million and
  • 0.05 percent over EUR500 million.

Interest deduction limitation

In practice, the tax administration uses a debt-to-equity ratio of 85:15 for the financing of participations. Luxembourg has introduced an interest limitation rule in the context of the transposition of ATAD. As from January 1, 2019, exceeding borrowing costs (ie, tax-deductible borrowing costs which exceed underlying interest income and economically equivalent income) are only deductible up to the higher of 30 percent of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of the taxpayer and EUR3 million.

Exceeding borrowing costs which are not deductible in a tax period may be carried forward without time limitation. Unused interest capacity in a given tax period may be carried forward for 5 years.

The interest limitation rule is not applicable to exceeding borrowing costs:

  • On loans concluded before June 17, 2016, so long as the loans are not subsequently modified;
  • On loans to finance EU long-term public infrastructure projects; or
  • On loans incurred by standalone entities and "financial undertakings."

Intra-EU hybrid mismatches

As from January 1, 2019, hybrid mismatch provisions apply in an intra-EU context as a result of ATAD.

The rule aims at preventing hybrid mismatches which result in a double deduction (ie, a deduction of the same expenses both in Luxembourg and in the other EU member state) or a deduction without inclusion (ie, a deduction of expenses in Luxembourg and no corresponding inclusion of the income in the taxable basis of the other EU member state).

The anti-tax avoidance directive provisions provide that when a structure includes a hybrid mismatch with double deduction, the deduction shall only be granted in the EU member state where the payment has its source. When a structure includes a hybrid mismatch with deduction without inclusion, the EU member state of residence of the payer shall deny the deduction of such payment.

Hybrid mismatches with third countries (ATAD 2) and covering a wider range of intra-EU mismatches have been implemented and came into force on January 1, 2020, with the additional “reverse hybrid” measures applying from the 2022 tax year.

Payments to EU black-listed entities

Interest or royalties paid or due to related enterprises as of 1 March 2021 are not tax deductible in Luxembourg if the recipients are corporate entities established in countries that are 'black-listed' as being 'non-cooperative' for tax purposes (based on the so-called EU blacklist adopted by the EU Council in 2017, as revised).


On March 25, 2020, the Law implementing the Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 (on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation, of May 25, 2018) introduces an obligation on a wide range of intermediaries to disclose cross-border tax arrangements to the tax authorities.

A reportable cross-border arrangement means any cross-border arrangement that contains at least one of the hallmarks foreseen by DAC 6, which refer to characteristics, features and examples of cross-border arrangements that present an indication of potential risk of tax avoidance. In principle, a cross-border arrangement becomes reportable if it meets one or more hallmarks, while certain hallmarks can only be triggered if a main benefit test (MBT) is also satisfied (ie, when the main benefit or one of the main benefits that a person can reasonably expect to obtain from the arrangement, taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances).

When a relevant taxpayer has to report a cross-border arrangement, such reporting has to be made within 30 days beginning on the day after the reportable cross-border arrangement (i) is made available for implementation to that relevant taxpayer,(ii) is ready for implementation by the relevant taxpayer, or (iii) when the first step of implementation has been taken in relation to the relevant taxpayer, whichever occurs 1st.

There are 2 reporting periods covering  (i) transactions whose first step of implementation has occured between June 25, 2018 and July 1, 2020 (phase 1) and then (ii) transactions put in place between July 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020, and transactions put in place as from January 1, 2021 (phase 2). Transactions part of phase 1 were reportable until February 28, 2021 (instead of August 30, 2020 as initially scheduled by the directive) and phase 2 are subject to a regular reporting as from January 31, 2021 (instead of October 31, 2020).

Proposed EU Directive to fight against the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes

On December 22, 2021, the EU Commission published a proposed Directive, to tackle legal entities with no or minimal substance and no economic activities that are used for improper tax purposes (ATAD 3).

The Directive introduces reporting requirements for EU tax-resident companies with certain mobile and passive income streams and inadequate operational substance. In certain cases of inadequate substance, the benefits of tax treaties and EU Directives may be denied, resulting in an increased withholding tax burden as well as potential penalties for failure to report or incorrect reporting. Currently, ATAD 3 is still in draft version and remains open to further discussions and possible amendments.



Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Value-added tax

VAT is a general consumption tax levied on goods and services. It is applicable at each stage of the economic chain, which means that the tax base for taxation is the value added at each stage of that cycle.

VAT is due in respect of the following operations: (i) transfer of goods and services undertaken within the national territory, on a paid basis, and (ii) import of goods. Mozambique general VAT rate is 16 percent. However, there is a reduced rate of 5 percent applicable to medical and educational services rendered by private entities.

Import duties and taxes

On import of goods into Mozambique, custom duties, excise duty (if applicable) and VAT are levied, unless the goods are exempt from these taxes or subject to a special customs regime. Exports are 0 rated.

Double taxation treaties

Mozambique has signed tax treaties with the UAE, Mauritius, Italy, Portugal, Botswana, India, South Africa, Vietnam and Macau.

Tax incentives

In Mozambique, investors may apply for investment projects. The incentives available are of four types, namely (i) tax incentives, (ii) customs incentives, (iii) incentives related to the repatriation of capital invested and profits and (iv) the protection/guarantees provided by the Mozambican State for private property and investments.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Foreign employees

Foreign  employees who work temporarily in Norway may opt to pay 25-percent salary tax on the gross remuneration received, up to a certain maximum (NOK670,000 in 2023). The 25-percent salary tax is final, and no deductions are allowed. Certain exemptions apply.


Financial Transaction Tax (ITF – Impuesto a las Transacciones Financieras) is applied to debits or credits within accounts in the financial system and has a rate of 0.005 percent of the transaction amount. 


Certain legislative measures have been introduced in the recent year to ensure more effective tax collection and to combat tax fraud, eg:

  • introduction of the provision of a minimum corporate tax;
  • introduction of a mandatory pay and refund mechanism regarding withholding tax;
  • introduction of the provision of a tax on shifted profits;
  • introduction of the provisions on deemed income to an employer in connection with illegal engagement of an employee or the failure to disclose a correct amount of income from engagement as well as an exclusion from tax deductible costs of the remuneration paid by virtue of illegal engagement


Not applicable.


An annual property tax is levied by the local tax authorities for constructions, land and vehicles held in patrimony. Other local taxes are applicable in some cases.

Rules for deductibility of borrowing costs

In certain situations, excess borrowing costs, which are higher than the RON equivalent of EUR1 million, are deductible within a limit of 30 percent of the computation basis. The threshold for excess borrowing costs in relation to related parties is limited to the RON equivalent of EUR500,000.

The excess borrowing costs which fail the 2 deductibility tests are not deductible in the tax period when they are incurred, but will be carried forward to the following tax periods without a time limit.

MAP timeline

The provisions of EU Directive 2017/1852 on tax dispute resolution mechanisms within the European Union are present in the Romanian legislation. This provides the steps, and maximum deadline for each step, for the resolution of any tax disputes involving a Romanian tax resident entity and an EU tax resident entity.

DAC6 requirements

The DAC6 provisions (ie, reporting of cross-border arrangements) have been implemented in the Romanian legislation. The wording is in line with EU Directive 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 and introduces reporting obligations for local taxpayers and intermediaries (eg, advisors) that were involved in implementation of cross-border transactions that meet certain hallmarks listed by the legislation. Tax consultants and lawyers are covered by the professional privilege and can only report if the taxpayer releases them from such privilege. In the absence of such a waiver granted by the taxpayer, the reporting responsibility lie with the taxpayer.


Value-added tax shall be charged by Romanian companies for goods supplied or services provided.

Foreign entities are also liable to register for VAT purposes in Romania and charge Romanian VAT on supplies of goods and provision of services whose place of supply is in Romania. The standard VAT rate is 19 percent, while reduced VAT rates of 9 percent or 5 percent are applicable for supply of certain goods.

Companies registered for VAT purposes are allowed to deduct the input VAT incurred upon acquisition of goods and services used in respect of taxable transaction. The difference between the output VAT charged on goods supplied or services provided and the input VAT incurred upon acquisitions of goods or services should be paid to the state budget, if positive, or could be requested for refund from the state budget, where negative.


E-commerce taxation

From January 1, 2019, foreign companies supplying e-commerce services to Russian customers, including to private individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, are obliged to register with the Russian tax authorities. The legislative changes cover both B2C e-commerce supplies, as is the case under previously enacted rules, and B2B e-commerce operations. B2B supplies shall not be subjected to VAT taxation via a reverse-charge VAT mechanism, and foreign e-commerce suppliers must independently calculate and pay VAT on the value of rendered services from January 1, 2019 on a go-forward basis.

Tax implications and latest initiatives associated with COVID-19 pandemic

In response to the economic difficulties presented by the current public health situation, the Russian president, legislature and government are enacting initiatives designed to support businesses through easing tax payment and compliance burdens. While some provisions apply to businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, there are special measures targeted at helping small and medium-sized businesses and those operating in the industries most heavily affected by the current circumstances.

The measures can be grouped as follows: extension of deadlines for payment of taxes, extension of the deadlines for submitting tax returns and tax calculations, suspension of tax control and granting deferrals on individual basis. The most important tax measures include (applicable for specific types of taxpayers):

  • A 6-month delay for the payment of income tax for 2019; a 6-month delay for the payment of taxes (excluding VAT and taxes paid as tax agents) for the first quarter of 2020; a 4-month delay for the second quarter and first half of 2020
  • A 6-month delay for social insurance contributions for the March-May period 2020 for 6 months; a 4-month delay for the June-July period of 2020 and
  • Deferrals (installments) for payment of specific taxes, advance payments for taxes and insurance contributions which may be requested on an individual basis.


Singapore does not have surtax, specific interest limitation rules, anti-hybrid rules, exit tax, net wealth tax or inheritance tax.

South Africa

Interest deduction limitations

In addition to any transfer pricing adjustments that may be applicable, SA has interest deduction limitation provisions, which may apply to loan funding obtained from a controlling foreign company not subject to tax in SA. The interest deduction will be limited to 30 percent of a corporate's adjusted taxable income, which is in line with the OECD's recommendation.

Interest deduction limitation rules also apply to certain reorganization transactions. 

Value-added tax

VAT is levied in SA at a standard rate of 15 percent. VAT is largely directed at the domestic consumption of goods and services as well as at goods and services imported into South Africa. The tax is designed to be paid mainly by the ultimate consumer or purchaser in South Africa.

Most business transactions carried out in South Africa are subject to VAT. The tax is collected by businesses, which are registered as vendors with SARS. A vendor is required to register for VAT if they made taxable supplies or have a written contractual obligation to make taxable supplies of more than ZAR1 million during the relevant 12-month period. A vendor may register voluntarily in certain instances.

Foreign businesses that supply electronic services through the internet to persons resident or incorporated in South Africa may be required to levy VAT on these electronic services. These foreign businesses are required to register as vendors with SARS and account for output VAT if the total value of taxable supplies exceeds ZAR1 million in any consecutive 12-month period unless the ZAR1 million threshold is solely as a consequence of abnormal circumstances of a temporary nature.

Foreign exchange controls

The Financial Surveillance Department (FSD) of the South African Reserve Bank imposes exchange controls on South African residents. Exchange control is not applicable to nonresidents, but they must comply with the notice requirements to the FSD in order to facilitate subsequent withdrawals of their capital from SA. Most commercial banks are authorized dealers of the FSD.

South Korea

Value added tax (VAT) is a tax levied on added value acquired in the process of the transaction of goods or the provision of services. VAT is imposed on value generated at each step of a transaction, and applies a VAT rate of 10%. Certain supplies are eligible for VAT zero-rating or VAT exemption. VAT zero-rating is the same as VAT exemption in that no VAT is charged. However, only VAT zero-rating allows input VAT deduction for VAT incurred in relation to the VAT zero-rating supplies. The VAT imposed on businesses is calculated by subtracting the input tax from the output tax.

Value added tax should be reported and paid every 6 months, and the taxable period of 6 months is divided into 3 months for a preliminary report.


Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Value Added Tax (VAT)

VAT should be charged on the supply of goods or services. Registration for VAT is normally mandatory if sales of taxable goods or services are made in Sweden by a taxable person. The standard VAT rate is 25 percent. Reduced rates apply on certain goods and services.


Not applicable.

Taiwan, China

Effective as of May 1, 2017, a foreign enterprise, institution, group or organization with no PE in Taiwan, but that supplies electronic services to domestic individuals, with annual income derived from Taiwan that exceeds TWD480,000 shall be the taxpayer (the E-Services Provider) under the Taiwan Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act, and shall apply by itself or appoint a Taiwan resident or an entity with a PE in Taiwan as its tax agent for taxation registration, filing bimonthly VAT returns and paying VAT.

On January 2, 2018, the Taiwan authority further introduced a ruling in regard to the income tax payable by the E-Services Provider, which applies retroactively from January 1, 2017. Under this ruling, the E-Services Provider is required to report its Taiwan-source income and file annual income tax returns and pay income tax, either by itself or through the Tax Agent, in regard to revenues derived from domestic individuals, while income tax for business-to-business transactions are withheld at source by the domestic business entities.


An environmental tax is applied on places of business at fixed rates that change every year based on the determined categories.

Bank and insurance charges are subject to transaction tax at a general applicable rate of 15 percent.

A 5-point rate reduction to the corporate income tax is provided for the earnings from export activities carried out by manufacturers or supplier institutions through foreign trade capital companies or sectoral foreign trade companies based on an intermediary export contract, to be applied to income and earnings.

Taxpayers are no longer required to notify the tax office of information on starting a business, change of headquarters/branch address, opening a branch, closing a branch, changing the legal form, changing a title, going into liquidation, returning from liquidation and closing a liquidation. The notification made by the Ministry of Commerce to the Ministry of Treasury and Finance regarding the said transactions will be accepted as the notification made by the taxpayers.


A simplified taxation system is available for Ukrainian companies upon certain conditions and allows for payment of a single tax at the rate of 5 percent applied on turnover or 3 percent (if the company is a VAT payer).

United Arab Emirates

Value Added Tax

The UAE introduced value added tax (VAT) on January 1, 2018. The VAT regime is loosely based on the EU VAT system with a number of notable differences. The UAE VAT applies to most supplies of goods and services, including the import of goods and services. The standard VAT rate is 5 percent. For specific activities, a zero rate applies (such as on exports), whereas other activities may be exempt (such as financial services).

Customs Duty

The UAE is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council's (GCC) Customs Union, which is governed by the GCC Customs Law. The GCC Customs Union is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which all customs duty on foreign imported goods is collected. Under the GCC Customs Law, customs duties (if any) are levied over the customs value of the foreign imports (eg, the Cost, Insurance and Freight, or CIF, value).

United Kingdom

VAT applies generally at 20 percent to supplies of goods and services taking place in the UK, subject to a reduced rate of 5 percent for specified goods and services, and exemptions and zero-rating of certain goods and services.

United States

Not applicable for this jurisdiction.


Value-added tax (VAT) is a tax levied on the supply of goods and services by persons/entities in Zimbabwe once the supplier has reached a certain revenue threshold. A supplier of taxable supplies is obliged to charge VAT at the prescribed rate (which currently is 15 percent of the cost of the supply) and pay over this tax to ZIMRA as output tax. Presently, where the value taxable supplies made by a taxpayer have exceeded USD25,000 (or its equivalent in Zimbabwean Dollars at the auction rate of exchange that prevailed on the date of supply) in the previous 12 months, or where the taxpayer believes that the value of their taxable supplies will exceed USD25,000 in the next 12 months, then the taxpayer must register to be a VAT operator with ZIMRA.